COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Were you masked up?

Posted in a group for news in my NH town:


According to the Ontario health ministry, the move to appointment-only testing will enable the province’s network of labs to deal with a backlog of tests. That backlog has grown to 78,953.

This is fine. :mask:

cool 12-year-old


This is what we are up against. Starting to think anti-maskers would have turned against Trump if he advocated for masks.

Man oh man. 17% of the tests given on Saturday came back positive in the Czech Republic.

1,680 teachers are currently infected. That means nearly 5% of all active cases are educators. Over 8,200 active cases are students.

Supposedly, testing capacity will go up to 50,000 tests/day by next week. There have been tons of promises like that since the pandemic that haven’t been fulfilled. I mean it’s nice to finally be above 20,000 on a regular basis but yeah we need way more testing.

We’re in the process of giving up here in Ohio. Lots of people not wearing masks in the grocery store, or half-assing it and not covering their noses.

Al Michaels bitching about the mask order in San Francisco, fucking deplorable jackass.

And Collinsworth is raw dogging that nose like a real manly man.

Trump is going to survive this and all of his followers are going to be even more violently anti-mask. See, look, it’s not a big deal, Trump had no problems, you’re basically a huge pussy if you don’t try to pozz yourself.

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Oh yeah, there will be COVID parties.

Just watched the South Park Episode. Poor token.

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You guys can’t trick me into watching South Park. I’m not falling for that.


I’ll wait for the gifs to come out.

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I’ve got a COVID test scheduled for tomorrow.

I’ve had a mild cough for 2-3 days that I thought was just allergies or asthma. I’ve had off and on mild fevers at night (99.1 to 99.5, and I usually run 97.9 to 98.3) for about four days. I’ve had a pretty bad headache for the last five hours. When I ate dinner, my sense of taste and smell seemed blunted. My neck has also been aching for 2 days, and I’ve had some fatigue.

I don’t think I have it, mainly because I’ve been so careful and it’s now been 12 days since my move so symptoms would have onset 8 days after which is longer than the average. I used a KN-95 for the entire move, except when only around my father and he was tested before the move.

I think the cough is allergies/asthma, the fever is random fluctuation, and the muscle pain is from stress and sleeping weird - and the tight neck is causing the headache. The blunted taste could be my head playing tricks with me or something.

But it’s possible he had a false negative and is asymptomatic, or that I caught it from the movers or in the elevators despite the mask. I’m supposed to see my friend and his wife and daughter this week outside and distanced, but even with the low risk environment I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t get tested and pozzed them.

It’s supposed to be the swab that doesn’t go way up, and I should get results in 1-3 days. Hopefully it’s quick, painless and negative. It’d be pretty tilting to be so careful for 6.5 months (my poker game hasn’t started yet) and get pozzed while moving. I’m guessing waiting to find out will be the worst part, especially if my symptoms continue.

At least if I’m pozzed, I’m not #1. Thanks, @realDonaldTrump.


Good luck. I missed the results but I guess your mom was negative?

Yeah she’s negative but she’s still in the hospital because of her BP staying pretty dangerously high. They can’t figure out why.

Thanks, I really don’t think I have it but the persistent headache is unusual for me and the blunted taste made me decide not to fuck around.

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I’ve had 4 Covid tests now, all the q-tip in the nose. It really isn’t that bad at all, I don’t get what the big deal is about it.


Sometimes when my allergies are in full swing I get a moderate loss of taste I assume really is just inhibited smelling sense. I’m not a spicy food eater but when Im congested sick I love some plain rice with a ton of black pepper.

You sound like me on allergies plus maybe a sinus infection. I think your odds of not having covid are better than Donnys of not dying.

I continue to be breathing the best of my life in 2020. Pretty much the only thing that gets me is heavy freshly mown lawn, especially if it’s cut wet. We live on a park. A sudafed (the real stuff) mostly wipes it out.

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I wasn’t congested when eating, unfortunately. I also put tons of hot red pepper on (chickpea pasta) and barely felt the kick.

I think it’s just allergies and a stiff neck from looking at screens for like three days straight while monitoring COVIDpalooza, and that’s causing the headache. Can’t explain the taste thing but it could have just been a bland meal and some mediocre Wegmans pineapple for dessert.

I’d say 5-10% chance I’m pozzed, 15-20% chance Trump bites it.

Yeah it’s hard to imagine I caught anything less contagious than COVID, given my precautions.