COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Idk how this makes me feel. But my little one was playing “daycare” in their room. Snuggling all their stuffed animals into their beds and likewise. Called me up. Before I went in they made me wipe the door handle “to be safe” and then said “now we’re open for business”.

No idea where they learned that language from, but got dam does it make me realize that they pick up on every little thing that’s said.

I’ve always been a proponent that words/language matter, but after being in charge of another person it really hits home.


noooo mckennie

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I don’t know if it means anything but I went for a long walk earlier today and there were hordes of youngs out partying and such. At restaurants, bars, playing beer pong, etc. Easily the most people I’ve seen out since the pandemic started.

I also noticed multiple people in my apartment building without masks on, and I’ve only seen a handful of that in six months. Worried.

Cases are clearly up, we’re going to do this again

Yeah my buddy drove past a restaurant/bar and said it was packed inside. Imagine seeing like half the government pozzed and thinking, “Tonight would be a great night to dine-in!”



They just don’t think it could happen to them.

Yeah I was hoping “It can happen to the president and senators,” might get through.

Even @sweetsummerchild thinks I’m a naive dreamer.

Ran into our enclosed farmers market to pick up lunch. They have a couple of small table areas that had been closed but are now open at maybe 1/2 the tables?

Anyhoo a group of old men drinking coffee at the one in the front. Masks protecting their chins and necks. My wife had to drag me out as I was wanting to harangue them for being morons.

Everyone in to just pick things up 100% masked.

Then I get home and see Clemson and Virginia are playing even though this week Virginia has had 7 players and a coach Poz. I mean wtf.

And how the hell are NE and KC playing “Monday maybe Tuesday” with Cam and the KC scout QB Poz? Wtf wtf wtf.

We live in an insane country.


Having football is such an insanely stupid idea.

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My buddy from college mocked me “You have to let them try how do you know they can’t pull it off?”

“Dude, it’s not a mystery here, it’s basic science.”

He said I couldn’t possibly know that and we had to let them try.

I haven’t said “I told you so,” yet.

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Let me save you the trouble. “Well they had to let them try, it just didn’t work out.”


Best part is that he said something like “Okay if you are so confident, how’s it going to play out?”

I said maybe they survive a couple weeks, but no way they make it past week 6 without a ton of positives. I predicted week 4-6 would be when it blew up.

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Week 4 for NFL confirmed. At least they are getting a ton of money. The college kids though. I’m still very worried that covid meets fat freshman lineman is going to be fatal.


They’ve already had a d2 player die, a fat lineman in fact

Yeah I predicted multiple deaths if they tried to power through in college football. Hopefully I’m wrong, but it’s just a numbers game and I don’t see how they avoid it.

First thing that comes up when you Google that is FOX News saying well actually it wasn’t COVID that killed him!

oh yeah it was just a pulmonary embolism, one of the most common complications of covid and he just tested positive. Completely unrelated.

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There is a multibanned troll on 2p2 whose first post in every weekly college football thread is

COVID Tracker

deaths after 4 weeks: 0

Like yeah 0 college football deaths is really spiking the football.

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Excuse me I think you meant to say The Greatest Country In The World. Say it. Say it! SAY IT SAY THE WORDS IF YOU SAY THE WORDS THEN ITS TRUE.