COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

By the way, reopening of travel between Australia and New Zealand should be commencing in a couple of weeks. Step one is New Zealanders allowed to visit NSW and the NT, still no travel in the other direction.

Pretty sick plot twist if an 11th hour illness takes out the top two in our chain of succession and Pelosi gets to take over and nominate RBG’s replacement.

Two cases closer to herd immunity. Thanks, Atlas!

Maybe there is a god after all. Maybe it’s name is covid 19


Can we connect our newest nominee Mike Lee to the whitehouse?

Yeah I’m gonna so we got a superspreader event.

What’s SNL gonna do with this?

Holy shit. If this is all related our timeline goes back to last Saturday

Isn’t she already nominated?

Yeah, but I have faith in the creativity of these writers. They’ll come up with something, like ACB getting eaten by a shark in a freak waterskiiing accident.

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Encouraging development on the vaccine front

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ND president also POZ and also at WH Saturday.

Cross posting from president thread

Can you tell us wtf it is?

Clicking random youtubes drains my life force.


Movie done over the last 5 months about the pandemic with interviews with people in the WH and scientists in the government who didn’t know the movie was being done, at least I think most didn’t, seemed like one or two of the people might be whistleblowers. Might be mostly coverup stuff done in the WH that we know but might be some new info but making it a movie is easier for regular people to digest who don’t watch the news too much. It’s a 2 minute trailer, usually I can play it from the tweet on the unstuck page and don’t have to go anywhere to see the video

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I had to spend way too much time figuring out that ND meant Notre Dame and not North Dakota or some other thing. Use your words!

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Did you think North Dakota had a “president”?

That’s why I was so confused!

Eh I’m going with most know what I meant. No need to dumb it down. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :heart:

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I think they have like a grand poobah or a jolly good fellow or something along those lines.

Lots of states showing positive 7 day slopes.

Dakotas still leading the pack with some the highest observed densities to date (>=NY in April).


All these are >=2.5/1,000 14 day sum. (+ is rising, ++ is rising fast)

And of course, not shown, is the whitehouse which is probably setting the all time record. Expecting the Rightest right wing of the US Senate to be up there as well.