COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

New York heading the wrong way

Result Date Tests New Cases Positivity Rate
9/24/2020 94818 908 0.96
9/25/2020 99953 1005 1.01
9/26/2020 84770 866 1.02
9/27/2020 52936 834 1.58
9/28/2020 88231 1189 1.35
9/29/2020 97960 1000 1.02
9/30/2020 109218 1382 1.27

The problem is that it’s not just corporations, but governments. There needs to be a ban on things like excess dirty cement and new coal and oil powerplants in China, India, and Nigeria. Most corporations aren’t even that bad.

We should really look into some sort of international agreement on climate change.

We need one world government, currency, and language - and all of us look like J-Lo. BRB - gonna go poll that idea to gauge popularity.

I’m projecting the need for a world war to force compliance from some states.


I predict there will be environmental wars at some point. A country destroying the planet we all share is a lot more justifiable reason for regime change than 95% of the foreign wars the US has started.

Like all this stuff, I just hope it happens after I’m gone.

Well, something more than a stern lecture at least.

Maybe Europe could form some kind of union?


Is that how we will end Trump’s fourth term?

I could see it as the nuclear countries gobbling up all the non-nuclear countries and then another big stalemate until society just completely collapses under its own weight and mass starvation/displacement happens. Or maybe that happens first. Or a layered parfait of both in multiple waves.

I’m not too bad - more luck than judgement in most cases

No kids
Don’t drive
Not a big traveller - been to Ireland, Netherlands and France but don’t holiday.
Don’t eat that much red meat but chickens get a hard time.
Recycle and not a big consumer anyway - clothes when things wear out.
Hang-dry clothes
Light bulbs - got a 8 bulb chandelier with 2 bulbs in in sitting room and 1 out of 8 spots in kitchen with a working bulb.

Govt absolutely has to do more - especially wrt recycling - packaging should be recyclable full spot - tough shit Pringles.

Yep - one world govt is the only way we have a chance imo.

The other key is energy - if we can suss nuclear fussion, for example, and can get to almost free unlimited energy then we can really get somewhere. Enviromental messaging is a bit wonky in my view - it’s often expressed as us needing to use less- we’re wasting too much etc - but in reality it should be all about being renewable.

(wrong thread really for this …)

Czech Republic’s positive rate has averaged 13% over the last 7 days. NYC in a good place comparatively.

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The top 13 states in per capita cases all have Republican governors. Hell of a coincidence.

Trying to micromanage things like that is complicated, which leads to people with resources gaming the system. Make its price equal to the real cost to society and deal with redistribution on its own.

If you want to get rich people’s money it needs to be simple, clear and loophole free or they are going to abuse the system. Tax them in a way that they can’t avoid and redistribute it to the poor people. Tax products with externalities in order to make the price include the social cost and use that revenue to fix the problems caused by the product. Those are both difficult enough things to do correctly on their own, trying to combine them exponentially increases that difficulty.

Laws, taxes and regulations should be specifically targeted and concise. When you try to do everything at once, things get complicated, which only benefits lawyers and those who can afford them (especially when they get to write the laws in the first place).

Good I can continue using my dishwasher.

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Don’t we also need to factor in the environmental impact of the parts, labor, shipping, etc of creating the dishwasher?

Czech Republic had the worst covid day so far with 3493 new cases, 367 more new cases than the 2nd worst day which was just 2 weeks ago.

I highly doubt that closing secondary schools in only some areas for 2 weeks is really going to do much. I wouldn’t be surprised to see school closed for more than that. Of course, this would suck massively. So I hope it doesn’t happen. Distance learning is really poorly done. America has it way better wrt to that. All we’re using is Google Classroom and Google Meet.

Shipping the SUV would be negligible compared to just taking the flight. Having kids still undisputed heavyweight champion of carbon-torching individual choices.