COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Do you have a pulse oximeter?

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Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if that run stops soon given the work conditions I’m dealing with.

It appears that over half of one of my classes was absent today. This bothers me as one student in the class did test positive for covid over the first weekend of the school year. Since he acquired it from contact with a patient outside of school, he was kept home. The next week (which was my first week of teaching), a couple of other students in the class were out for a reason unknown to me.

This week, more than half the class was out and everybody who attended wore their masks in class which is not mandatory. It’s also something that nobody else in my other classes did. None of the teachers at my school were informed about anything beyond the first person being diagnosed. So, it’s possible that parents chose to keep their kids out of school to protect them. It’s also possible that half the class has covid (or at least covid symptoms) and the school hasn’t told anybody yet.

At the end of that class, I wished my students a good day and said that I’d see them next class. Aside from the typical goodbyes from the class, a student responded, “Well yeah, if we have one.”

Tells me everything I need to know about what happened.


It’s really astonishing how much the big population centers have improved. Here’s 7-day average cases per capita (vertical) compared to the recent-cohort estimated CFR (horizontal) as of July 1 for counties >1,000,000 population:

Here’s the same graph as of now:

Rather than 20-60 new daily cases per 100,000 residents in the extreme cases, we’re looking at 5-15. And rather than having a CFR estimate ranging from 1.5%-6%, we’re clustered in the 1.5%-2.5% range.

At home, we’re getting ready to send our kids back to school in a hybrid setting next week. This was not something we hoped or planned to do, but the remote offerings were so shitty that we felt like we didn’t have a choice. Our school district is posting a dashboard for each school showing the number of students and number of staff who have tested positive or who have self-quarantined:

My wife and I will be watching that carefully to determine when/if to pull our kids into the shitty remote program.

Also, I donated blood a week or so ago and just found out that I tested negative for antibodies. So that terrible flu-like experience I had in February/March doesn’t appear to have been COVID.


Yes. Was fluctuating between 95 and 98 throughout the weekend.


Israel will go back to quarantine on Friday after it turns out that COVID doesn’t go away if you just say it did


Man schools in America are so much better prepared for covid than the Czech Republic.

I mean I never thought I’d say that given who’s at the helm but you guys really are. All we have are masks and alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

All schools and state colleges in NY (including mine) are now required to have a surveillance testing protocol (all schools will be required to test some percent of asymptomatic individuals on a weekly basis - not sure what % yet). They are pushing their SUNY Upstate Medical saliva test that they intend to pool at each school and get them to Albany for a purported 24 hour response. This seems pretty cool to me, but the devil is in the details obviously.

My college is also preparing to implement waste water COVID-19 testing for our on-campus residents and those employees working on site (<20%) as an additional early warning metric. This is also at Governor Cuomo’s direction.

I feel pretty good about all that stuff, and I think the country would be in far better shape and have ANY chance of successfully re-opening schools and universities with these types of protocols in place.


Great so it’s not covid or influenza that is hitting someone taking UP level precautions. So now we gotta worry about Coasterflu too?


For me, one of the most frustrating aspects when discussing this with people I’ve otherwise considered healthy and reasonable is when they offer some version of this perspective:

“I care about the virus, I care about people, I wear a mask or whatever when I feel unsafe, therefore you should interact with me as though I’m 100% confirmed negative for COVID at all times.”

Fucking hell man. My trust in you as a person has nothing to do with how infectious and deadly this virus is. And wtf?! The virus doesn’t care if you’re a good person. It doesn’t even care if you’re a bad person! Trump is a horrific monster, but he is still breathing as easily as any obese 74-year-old McDonald’s addict.



She has a point. It’s not a good one, but she does have one.


Ok first one here that gets the Rona needs to capture all there sputum and then…

Well use your imagination.

That clip perfectly encapsulates the hell we are living through in this country. But not for the reason she thinks.


99% that she’s getting wasted in the bleachers anyway. C’mon Drunk Football Mom. NO MALARKEY!

I laughed at her basically saying listen folks, do you want me wasted in the bleachers or in the bars? You decide.

She has missed the point that the people who don’t want her in the bleachers don’t want her in the bars, either.




Drink at home alone like a normal alcoholic!


Just played the clip for my wife. Her response, after laughing, “Those were your only two options.”


Aye aye captain!

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Counterpoint: PA has mostly done a good job, but we’re about to increase restaurant capacity indoors to 50% on 9/21. Cases are currently already trending up, albeit from a relatively low baseline.