COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

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I don’t know, Ohio State is testing the crap out of its students, and things seem to be going well.

Positivity rates under 2% is extremely surprising to me.

tOSU students are probably way smarter and more responsible than the idiots around me. Lord Jesus, suburban Ohio has just completely given up.

It’s almost like lots of testing and tracing helps contain outbreaks. Who knew.

Yeah, I think OSU’s testing represents somewhere around 10-15% of the entire state of Ohio’s testing.

This is how the UK works.

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Ohio State University is full of extremely smart people who came from other places. The surrounding suburbs are mostly full of typical Ohio types.

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To be clear, testing and tracing does nothing to stop the disease from spreading at this point.

It does because you can test/quarantine all of the people who had contact with the pozzed individual rather than let them party and spread it all over campus. I have no idea if OSU is actually doing that but 3k tests/day tells me they likely are.

Yup, the Land Grant universities in the Midwest have been doing the Lord’s work trying to stop the inevitable brain drain of smart people out of the state.

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Man, if this thing actually spreads via an aerosol route (and there’s a lot of evidence that it does), you’d need to test every single person who’s been in every single store and classroom and restaurant and grocery store and party for several hours after the pozzed individual was there. And you’d need to test adjoining classrooms, too. There is no way test and trace helps to contain the virus at this point, you’re just pissing in the wind. It will help epidemiologists figure how how this disease works, but testing does jack shit to slow it down at this point.

You don’t have to test everyone, the closest contacts are still the most likely to contract it and R is still less than 3. The problem with having lots of cases is when it takes 5 days to get test results back and a couple more to do tracing the data becomes useless.

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my wifes good friend, whos parents live in ATL, went to see her parents a few weeks ago but didn’t stay long because her parents weren’t taking it seriously and wanting to go out and such, well a week or so ago she found out her mom was positiive. My wife said today that the womans mom went on a vent today, shes in her 60s


Yes, Ohio State has dedicated a couple of dorms and (I think) a hotel for quarantined students:

(All of this is from COVID-19 Dashboard (archived) | Safe and Healthy Buckeyes)

I’m not totally sure what osu has in terms of ofs overall, but anecdotally, an osu student is currently attending a full slate of classes from my in laws guest room in… san jose.

Probably helps the positivity rate.

Man, if someone is a legit aerosol super-spreader, the R0 is way higher than 3. Like, imagine someone coughs at 12:00 PM in an auditorium and you show up to class at 2:00 PM with a facemask and you still get pozzed. Good fucking luck contact tracing every single person who’s been in that lecture hall for several hours. Imagine doing this for grocery stores and shops and shit. Test N’ Tracing will not stop this virus.

You have someone who’s going to be contagious and if you test them you can quarantine them. It has to help, even if it doesn’t get R0 below 1.

Wouldn’t masks still significantly reduce the number of people getting pozzed?

How long does it take to process these tests? Are you isolating every single person who’s been in a lecture hall or a grocery store within a two-hour window?

Man, it’s crazy because usually I am the voice of optimism in this thread, but right now I have to tell you all right here that we are not ever containing an aerosol virus via contact tracing. Can y’all please listen to this TPWKY episode about measles? That is what we are up against right now. Fast forward to 8:45 and strap in. This is what we’re up against right now.

I didn’t say contain it. But every bit counts and reducing spread by like 60% still helps. But most of all, masking everyone up plays a huge role. It’s gotta reduce the amount of aerosols and the distance they travel, right?

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