COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I’d bet on it being worse due to the huge spike in cases and fear. Best case was a proper shutdown and proper aid, like many of us called for in March.

I’m struggling to not completely lose my shit at all the chiefsplanet deplorables who suddenly care deeply about teenage suicide and mental health overall.

Of course then they clutch their pearls at how could I be so callous towards hypothetical suicide victims. They’re such bad faith vile scum.


They are going to be really mad to find out they support the party who cuts mental health funding.

Not sure where that is from but based on him thinking the virus is a hoax since he has seen no one die from it. Id guess he pays his tip employees below min wage and none of them a living wage.

So are we only concerned for businesses that fail due to an incompetent governmental and societal response to covid when the owners of the business recognize the cause?

Like, yes he’s a fucking idiot. There appears to be many of those. I’d still like to eat delicious BBQ or Ramen or falafel sometime in 2021. I’d like to get a haircut somewhere other than great clips. I’d like to shop… in a store… with people… someday.

Or are we saying that restaurants and salons and spas and gyms just deserve to be put out of business because they didn’t plan ahead by having cash on hand to cover all overhead for 18? months?

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Nah, we’re just being polite when our natural impulse towards Trump-supporting businessmen is more along the lines of something-something-grease fire.

Ok, that’s my natural impulse…

We don’t live in a Democracy.

Putting the blame solely on the people that voted Trump is missing the big picture. If we had a competent govt pre trump we would not be in the spot to begin with.

Let’s start holding our public officials to account rather than the deplorable who’s lives have been getting worse for decades.

Major drama at the Canada household today. Our 18 year old who hasnt willingly left the house in a few months announced today they were going out for a walk to get some fresh air. Showered and got looking nice and left without their mask. Beforehand my wife asked if they were meeting anyone and they said no of course not, just going for a walk.

Fast forward 45 minutes and my wife is convinced they are out meeting with someone. We go for a drive around their usual haunts and of course they are out with their boyfriend, neither with masks.

I’m in a high risk category and living with someone who is potentially exposed due to a pretty stupid decision is not at the top of the best options list for me. Not really sure the best way to handle things.


Those aren’t the deplorables. They don’t vote.

The Villages are the deplorables. The upper-middle/upper class suburbanites who complain about their 401K while completely ignorant of the fact that most people don’t have them are deplorables. The small businessman who thinks they know everything about economics because they own an elevator maintenance company is a deplorable. Some guy working at a coal mine living on the poverty rate is a miserable racist who doesn’t vote.

I don’t really have any advice, but yeah that situation sucks. Having to choose between potentially jeopardizing your own health and denying your 18 year old from seeing their boyfriend are both shitty options.

I am not a parent but I work on a college campus so I deal with 18-22 year olds every day and have to make these decisions daily of trying to balance people’s physical health and the mental and social health of young adults. You try to make the best decision you can in each situation and just express empathy to them as much as you can and that you’re trying to do the best you can for them.

The problem is, we wouldnt have had too much of an issue with them being outside, masked up, social distancing. But they lied and then went maskless which is just shitty.

Apologies for the joke but as a parent I get a free shot

Maybe Dad plus some ply-wood, a hole saw, and a sander could create something recommended by the government (BC or Alberta?)

Seriously I don’t what you do there. It’s the plot of every sci-fi/disaster movie- the teenager runs off when the parents rush to escape the meteor hit or whatever.

I feel for you.

My moronic teenaged neighbor has parties every time his parents go out of town and we had to go outside last night at 11:30pm and yell at a bunch of girls who parked outside our house and were blasting music and dancing while drinking vodka straight from the bottle, so be thankful those aren’t your kids. I’ve seen enough teenage girls pissing into the bushes across the street from my house to qualify as a sex offender at this point.


The way you tell this story makes it seem like you were completely oblivious and that your wife was driving the idea of checking up on your child. Am I misreading or is that a fair assessment?

Are you sure they haven’t snuck out before and you just didn’t notice? Did you avoid talking about what would be acceptable socializing because they hadn’t been inclined to go out before so you just assumed it wasn’t necessary?

If, looking back, you think there was a failure to communicate that you would have been okay with socially distant socializing, then maybe the best course is forgiveness followed by an adult conversation where you explain what you want and why.

If your child was overstepping clear and established boundaries, that’s a different problem. You would also have to consider what you know of the boyfriend’s family and how they are handling covid.

Make them watch Contagion. Pretty sure that exact situation is addressed.

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You don’t shop in a store with people now?

You can do most of the rest of this stuff outside with fairly low risk.

My gym is open, indoors in defiance of the order. There might be one near you!

I mean this is supposed to be free market capitalism right? The strong survive, the weak fail.

What’s that, you say, we should have more of a safety net? We all agree (for people at least), this guy almost certainly did not.

What’s that? We should have had a better covid shutdown with more help? This guy wanted the opposite.

Why should we feel bad for him. I feel bad for the working class suffering, or the business owners who did everything right.

Like 18 months overhead? When did CARES and PPP runout? 2.5-3 months ago? That’s all he had on hand, and this guy was busy pumping money into the business…

He’s getting what he deserved.


Or AT THE VERY LEAST, realize that they fucked up voting for this guy.

I still think I have it in my heart to forgive a Trump voter. But if you still support him after nearly 4 full years of this, get fucked.


Even if everything worked as designed, it’s a joke to call electing someone King every 4 years a Democracy.

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People supporting the guy who is trying to destroy democracy and turn this country into a dictatorship and killed over a 100k himself through sheer incompetence and destroyed his business along with thousands of others is 100% a part of the problem.

The people supporting Trump after everything are the problem dude, without them there is no Trump. Trump is a symptom not the cause, the cause are these voters. They will continue to vote in people that hurt millions of americans and throw them off healthcare.

If this was only affecting liberals this dude would be cheering and he can’t wait to vote for Trump again.



By god, there was some kind of class reunion from the class of 1970-something in my local park. Bunch of olds hanging out with zero social distancing. Also, some weird-ass sports thing with very young kids running around in big packs? It gave me a lot of cult vibes. Anyway, we’ve completely given up here in Ohio, COVID is free to come in and give us the sweet release of death.