COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I agree. I’m just pointing out there is a tendency here to laugh at the “owner” but forget when she loses her business all her employees do too.

I’m not laughing at him. I think he’s a piece of shit scumbag who is getting exactly what he deserves. I base that not on the fact that he is a restaurant owner, but based upon what he wrote.


We aren’t laughing at him losing his business

We are laughing at him because he’s a dumb ■■■■ that is still supporting trump even though it’s mostly trumps fault his business is no more.


Fair enough. I’m being over sensitive as I found out this weekend a friend is likely closing her restaurant after 10 years. She loves it so much.


Capitalism is really, really good at…allocating capital. It is literally the least of our problems. Give that guy UBI or unemployment or whatever, but for the love of god don’t use taxpayer dollars to prop up his restaurant.


I posted this when it was published by now seems like a good time to repost

Is it possible that Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, whose district includes South Park, pivoted from Republican to Democrat and now conveniently aligns himself with everything Gov. Gavin Newsom says solely for the betterment of his future? Could San Diego Councilman Chris Ward’s political aspirations be far more prominent than the support he gives South Park and other communities in his district? Could San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer be quietly watching it all in fear that Newsom will hold back critical relief funds from the city if he doesn’t comply with his edict? When a politician’s willingness to save large parts of the community that he is empowered to support is nonexistent, you get what we are witnessing.

This wild game of back and forth with discriminatory new rules and draconian measures ravages your mental and physical health. The stress riddles you with mounting fear and hopelessness, making even the boldest borderline suicidal. Unfortunately, the thought of suicide has come into play a few times during the last five months and is a testament to just how impactful the decisions being made are to at least me, and I don’t think I am alone because loss, hopelessness and stress are well-known triggers for suicide.

bonus screen shot from his last instagram post that has since gone dark after he posted that op-ed

guy who taunts people for being triggered snowflakes is so triggered by democrats he wrote an op-ed in the local paper about how he almost killed himself because they didn’t give him money.

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The restaurant industry chronically under pays workers…

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I do feel for the guy on a human level. I have empathy and it does suck for him and his family and his employees who tried in vain to make it work.

But what made my blood boil, and prompted my post, was two-fold:

  1. The Irony - He’s continuing to downplay the virus, but those pesky regulations and lockdowns that he mocks could have saved his business and the economy had they been implemented stronger and earlier.

  2. The Whining and Entitlement - 200K dead Americans and this guy thinks he’s the one who’s hard done by. “We stood out there for nine hours each day and we waited.” So unfair!

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“I paid a million dollars in payroll”

Fuck off. Seriously, fuck you buddy.


That’s worse, not better.

Y’all being super judgmental about a guy who decidedly is not the problem here.

what? he’s 100% part of the problem.


Some random dude who is frustrated that he’s going broke is not the problem. The problem is the failure of leadership from actual leaders. This is just the symptom.

Yeah, but that guy VOTED for leaders that bungled the Covid effort. I’m empathetic to his situation but he’s the one that voted for the asshole in office that could have mounted a response that may have saved his restaurant.

At some point, we have to hold trumpers accountable for their actions.

ETA: I’d add that the problem is people voting for schmucks. The symptom is a Trump presidency.


Not going to post a full trip-report, but a note for those of you who are considering seeing groups of family members who are not taking this situation seriously. From my experience yesterday of seeing my family for the first time since March, it was not worth it.

They just didn’t understand the want to maintain distance. It was a difficult situation. After a 7 hour drive to an ‘outdoor’ event, I was immediately looking for reasons to leave. Ended up in a few spots beyond what I was comfortable with.

Well, back to my hole. Hoping to fade a pozz from an unforced error.


Only one player thus far has already shattered my expectations. I still think we’re drawing live to have the season suspended or substantially postponed by Thanksgiving.

The sign isn’t technically wrong: the political agenda is OFB/OFS, and thus the second wave.

I learned at like age 18 that to be a pro poker player you need 6 months of living expenses set aside in case of a downturn. Multimillionaire “successful” businessmen do not do this because they needed a nicer yacht NOW


I mean, that’s peak blue crab season.

He gave Trump the mandate and now he’s getting his little throat cut


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This businessman even had extra money! He made an assumption (aka a bet) that the shutdown would be brief:

When the governor first shut us down in March, I got together with my brother and my cousin, and we agreed to think of this as an opportunity. The restaurant was doing pretty good at that point. We had a little money to spend. We said: “Let’s reinvest back in the business like it’s supposed to be done.” We remodeled the entire bar. We put in new bathrooms and new draft lines. We gave a tour to a few of our loyal customers, and they said: “Wow. When this place opens up, you’re going to fill it every day. You’ll be back bigger than ever.”