COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Right - the same kids who they never gave a shit about when it came to limiting their access to guns even a tiny bit.

numbers are looking truly fucked now.

fucking fuck fuck fuck so fucking sick and tired of this fucking bullshit.

Gonna be at least another couple weeks before the severity of this next wave is so obvious that we finally respond appropriately. Probably looking at peak new infections late October/early November, and peak new deaths just in time for the holidays.

And the same people who will blame COVID deaths on any other comorbidity the person had and not a sweet innocent little coronavirus.

Florida’s numbers in two weeks are going to be horrifying.

Holy shit, the whining knows no bounds with these snowflakes. The real victims of COVID aren’t the 200k dead and their destroyed and grieving families, it’s restaurant owners losing their businesses:

I grew up inside this restaurant, and now my wife’s helping out in the dining room and my daughter’s working at the hostess stand. This is a family place — four generations and counting. I know every inch of pipe and wire we have running through here. I’ve been the plumber, the busboy, the handyman, the butcher, the bartender, the prep cook, the manager. I’ve done every job there is in this restaurant, and now I’m the one who has to shut us down.

It kills me. We were supposed to be getting ready to celebrate our 60th anniversary this year, and instead we’re packing up and closing at the end of this month. I’ll find another job, but it’s more than that. It’s home. These walls are like a family photo album. I try not to get too sentimental about it, because it won’t change a damn thing, but sometimes the stress hits me and my heart starts going like crazy. I get frustrated. It makes me angry. How does this whole situation make any sense? I don’t know a single person that’s gotten covid, and I know that’s probably lucky, but right now I can tell you about at least a dozen businesses going under and a few hundred people going broke.

I know this virus is real, okay? It’s real and it’s awful. I’m not disputing any of that. But our national hysteria is worse. We allowed the virus to take over our economy, our small businesses, our schools, our social lives, our whole quality of life. We surrendered, and now everything’s infected.

When the state opened up for outdoor dining, I ran out to every Costco in the area and bought any picnic table I could find. We got 20 for $150 a piece. We roped off the parking lot and put out buckets of cold beer. We tried to make it look nice, but it’s summer in Baltimore, and it’s 90-some degrees outside and you’re selling cream of crab soup to people who are sweating on the asphalt. Nobody really came. Why would they come? We stood out there for nine hours each day and we waited.

We got more creative. We kept on trying. We opened up at 50 percent capacity and had live music, themed dinners, mystery nights and a meal with a psychic. We reinvented this restaurant a dozen times, but none of it worked.

And what kind of support did we get? More rules. More restrictions. More regulations, mandates and curfews. We have to close at 10 p.m., because I guess maybe covid comes out at 10:01…

It’s like Trump said: The cure has been worse than the disease. People spent too much time at home watching the news all day, drinking in this hysteria until they were spraying down their groceries and afraid to leave home. It became another anti-Trump thing in the press. The impeachment didn’t work, the killer bees didn’t work, so let’s blow covid out of proportion and see if it hurts him. But it’s the rest of us that got hurt. It was day after day of failure. It was a slow and painful death.


ok i’m actually really sympathetic to those people. They are having their livelihoods destroyed because of the administrations incompetence. It’s frustrating that they target the wrong people for their anger, but I 100% get where they are coming from. Calling them snowflakes and insulting them for being upset for that situation is just shitty.


It’s like Trump said: The cure has been worse than the disease. People spent too much time at home watching the news all day, drinking in this hysteria until they were spraying down their groceries and afraid to leave home. It became another anti-Trump thing in the press. The impeachment didn’t work, the killer bees didn’t work, so let’s blow covid out of proportion and see if it hurts him. But it’s the rest of us that got hurt.

Fuck this guy.


Society owes that guy a successful business. That’s what the free market is all about

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Just received a notice that we have a confirmed case within my daughters school community. But not to worry because nobody got exposed! (I’m currently looking for a bridge to purchase too.)


Nah, fuck them. They’re calling it a “slow and painful death.” I actually know people who lost relatives. That’s a slow and painful death. Not your fucking business. Fuck off and die, deplorable. (The person quoted in the article, not the poster I’m responding to).


Trying to sell crab chowder in a Maryland summer is a huge WTF, but I basically feel sorry for the guy? These small restaurant owners are getting hammered disproportionately by this crisis, I get why they’re angry and irrational.


wtf does this mean? We surrendered and now everythings infected? You didn’t want to fucking do anything and now everythings infected you dumb motherfucker.

I feel for these people if they are not trumpers. If you are trumper then where is your personal responsiblity, shouldnt you have savings built up for instances like this, just like you tell people that lose their jobs and need govt help? Also these same people don’t think anyone should ever get govt help so when shit like this happens, welp.


Business owners can amass incredible wealth when successful because they’re paid for taking risk. Sorry bro, one of the risks in operating a restaurant is a public health crisis. Fuck off.


I have no idea about that guys politics but cheering on the destruction of the restaurant industry is really bad. They represent something like 1 in 11 jobs and far more at the lower economic levels and among immigrants.


no one is cheering on the destruction of the restuarant industry


Like airlines, the industry isn’t being destroyed. Current participants are getting hammered, as they should. Current owners bear the loss when an industry is in distress. This is how capitalism works.



Indirectly yes. What is the difference between that guys restaurant and all the others? Sure he seems like a deplorable but there are tons of other people who are losing their business at the same time.

And i feel for those people as I said.

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