COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

This is clustered in Brooklyn and the lower Hudson Valley as a result of Hasidics gathering for the holidays and not observing social distancing.

Not sure why they won’t just say that – everyone knows that’s the reason why.

Tell them we give infants vaccines with measles, mumps, and rubella all in one shot and they turn out fine. It’s pretty clear that the immune system can deal with more than one thing at a time.

The local news has been pretty clear about that when reporting this the last couple of days.

Yeah they did the whole measles thing too in rockland

That’s contributing but it’s not the only reason why. Shit is blowing up in my county and I live nowhere near the city. We went from 60 active cases to 90 active cases in one day on Friday. We added another 30 today.

I thought about this a bit more, and I think the proper response is to tell your co-workers that wee little babies are routinely given a three-in-one or sometimes a four-in-one vaccine against some of the most notorious diseases in all of history, so if you’re afraid that the flu vaccine will cripple your immune system (IT’S JUST THE FLU! LITERALLY!), then you must be a weak, sickly little manlet. That is the correct way to frame this.

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My county had a string of 2 and 3 case days and you all told me ‘fuck you’…

Well, jokes on you. We had 18 cases today!


Apparently rural MO is getting hit really hard right now. Obesity + other health problems + Trump true believers = very bad news.

The data is the data… It can infect anyone, but those that have compromised immune systems and/or are older are much more at risk from dying… To shut down schools and colleges for this is much more harmful. I have two colleagues whose kids, one in their mid teens and one in college committed suicide and the parents believe it is due to them no physically going to school.

From chiefsplanet. a) not true of course, but b) apparently American kids are such pussy snowflakes that one year of zooming sends them into suicidal depression.

Don’t a ton of people commit suicide every year? I’m sure Covid doesn’t help but I don’t think every one is Covid related.

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Across the street.

It is when you’re a deplorable dickhead on chiefsplanet trying to evade the no politics filter on the main forum covid thread.

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So I guess we’re at the point where it’s becoming obvious that the Fall second wave is happening in the exact way everybody with a lick of sense already knew the Fall second wave was going to happen.

Republicans have somehow still managed to make it worse than I expected. Can’t have those kids committing suicide en masse because they have to zoom for a semester!

The Brains Trust that were protesting in London yesterday have their view on that.



God damn thats a pretty huge protest. From what I remember we haven’t had any lockdown protests that large, but mostly our cities don’t have a ton of deplorable idiots. Those liberate protests were pretty small IIRC, maybe like 100 people?

Your lockdowns aren’t even that bad in the UK right? Last I heard schools, bars, and restaurants are open, they just have to close at 10 as if that makes any fucking difference LOL.

Good news: my UK cousin’s test came back negative


Covid lockdown definitely fucked with me mentally. Had anxiety so bad I was afraid to go outside after it was over.

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I had a super vivid dream last night. I went into a store to buy a large bag of potatoes. Nobody in the store had a mask on, and people snickered at me when I put mine on. I was then annoyed that I had to touch the pin pad to complete my transaction. As I was walking out, a really cute girl said “wait for me and I’ll give you my number”. I waited. But she wasn’t wearing a mask so I debated if it was worth pursuing. I’m not attracted to stupid people. But she was really cute. I waited. Standing in the vestibule between the outer and inner doors, I stayed in the corner to avoid people. Then someone sneezed in my direction so I went outside. I waited.

In today’s newspaper there is an article about anxiety provoking dreams caused by the pandemic. That shit is real. Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk.


It has fucked with me mentally as well. And I do think there is merit to the fact it has not done wonders for mental health overall. My quibble is with right wing scum who all claim they know a ton of people who committed suicide because of covid lockdown.

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