COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

holy hell, umm i think you reinvest when you are going through good times, not when you are losing money wtf.

Of course during the good times why would you reinvest when you can buy luxury items or stocks?

Yeah I’ve had two dreams where I’m in a setting where I need a mask but forgot to put one on and freak out.

Well… If you have to peak there are worse times.

Then a new peak in deaths a few weeks after the holidays.

But they’re blaming Dems for not listening to Trump. Also if they’ve owned this apparently profitable business for decades and don’t have enough saved up to ride this out, well, that’s on them IMO. A lot of these people will whine until the pandemic is over, then reopen. Just like the people who whined that the ACA would kill small business in this country.

Read the quotes it’s not hard to figure out.

Nobody is cheering it on. But I don’t buy this guy’s claims, and if we handled it properly at the start instead of listening to people like him he’d still have a business.

They take all their profits year after year, then after a few months of crisis, the business is “under” and has to be closed. They say it’ll never come back. I call bullshit. He’s made millions most likely, he’ll be back when this is over. He wants a handout now and/or wants the economy to reopen so poor people can die so he can sell crab chowder.

Nah, fuck that guy. Help the people with expanded UI.

He wants to fully reopen and opposed the shutdown. The shutdown would have saved his business. He’s absolutely the problem.

Exactly. I’m looked down upon by potential landlords as a gambler, meanwhile I’m way more prepared for this shit than business owners. It’s not complicated, it’s common sense.


You reinvest when it’s a profitable opportunity and you are not putting yourself at an unacceptable amount of increased risk.

He probably got some good deals on stuff due to the situation, making it appear very +EV… But he didn’t account for the increased risk he was taking, and thus here he is.

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I’m glad we have all these savvy business bros ITT.

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Nah just poker bros and risk management bros, bro.

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i do have a business degree lol

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I got my business degree on the streets.

Flop, turn and river.


I own a business that has been decimated by the pandemic and we’re doing stuff like canceling our Pitney-Bowes postage machine lease and buying stamps to save a hundred bucks a month.


Hope you can hang in there.

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I know my mother has some fucked up views being a deplorable and all but I am so glad that she’s taking covid seriously. I think my sisters who both work in vulnerable professions have gotten to her more than I have.

Anyway, the Czech government is debating temporarily closing down secondary schools in Prague as the city is the only one that’s red on their traffic light system. Honestly, they should just close all the schools because the second wave is really straining the medical system here. An Italy scenario, where the entire system is overwhelmed, is not out of the question.

Thankfully, Czech has quite a few hospital beds at 6.6 per 1000 people which is more than double what Italy has.

And all the chamber of commerce types against health insurance just shrug when families go bankrupt just due to the misfortune of a kid getting leukemia. F them.


Yeah, hope you can hang in there.

I don’t know anything about it, but my knee jerk advice is that if you’re going into the red, cut cut cut expenses - like big ones - like don’t hold onto an office lease kind of thing.

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Thanks. I’m pretty sure we will. Trying to negotiate with our landlord has been the only even slightly dramatic/interesting thing. My pay has been cut drastically but our expenses are down so much at home it has hardly made a difference.


Oh believe me I would love to not be holding onto the lease. Our landlord has other ideas as it runs for six more years and has a personal guarantee on it.

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Good luck. I was pretty surprised at how well the wife’s deplorable extended family did with masking and social D at the funeral in Buffalo last weekend.

The wackiest Aunt wore a face shield but at least she did something.

My biggest worry ended up being the luncheon in a church basement. The church ladies were masked and shielded and wore gloves. They filled the plates and handed out prepackaged silverware.

There were three main family groups that sat at 3 liberally spaces tables and those that “visited” other tables did a good (not perfect job) when they did so.

We did expose ourselves to my father-in-law and sister-in-law and family but we know they are on team stay home. We basically spent the weekend with them at the hotel. First my wife had seen of her sisters and nieces which was nice for her.

Still way more risk than we have been taking but I think way less than the average.

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I’m gonna hold a mock funeral for my beard tomorrow.

Gotta get rid of it. It is super uncomfortable to have a beard and wear a mask all day.

You should go into consulting.


Covid exposure at Toronto bar.

In the last few days, tests have confirmed that seven people linked to this establishment are positive for COVID-19. Five are employees and two are patrons.

TPH estimates approximately 1,700 people may have been at the venue during this time.

This is fine.

Wow. Masks, prepackaged silverwhere?! That sounds like the Bentley of socially distanced events, mine was closer to a Pinto.