COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Pretty spot on. I’ve been grappling some internally with how to feel about this aspect. The vast majority of deaths actually are old or otherwise compromised people. That part the “It’s just a flu” crowd pretty much got right although covid is more dangerous than the flu for all adult age groups. The question then becomes what do we individually do about that? It seems like most people just don’t care about anyone but themselves and so if they kill someone with their behavior well it wasn’t them? And how could we know anyways how many we have killed?

I had the thought the other day that when I was much younger I used to drink and drive all the time. Yes that is a horrible behavior. But at the time I didn’t think I was a horrible person, after all I never killed anyone, never got a DUI and always made it home safely. It was easy to delude myself because I had not seen the consequences. That is pretty analagous to Covid. With Covid most youngs will never see the consequences of their behavior. So we have a bunch of dipshits acting like I did the morning after laughing to my friends about how I couldn’t remember driving home.


It is so bizarre because everybody I know in Australia, of varying ages and socio-economic positioning, takes it seriously and really really really fears getting it just for the potentially extraordinary pain it puts people through (let alone those it kills or causes long-lasting effects for). Again maybe anecdotal.

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Don’t eat in the lunchroom. Bring a cooler. Eat in your car

The lunch room is probably the most dangerous place.


Did not know it was that high. Looking it up even not filling out the travel forum is a 2k fine.

Got I guy at work who broke NYS isolation rules by going to Ohio to pick up his kid. He turned me in to a supervisor for taking an extra long break a few weeks back. So tempting…

I’d imagine government signaling does a lot. Public statements from officials + real implementation (true quarantines in hotels for people arriving in the country as just one example) is a pretty powerful message that this is serious. In contrast our lockdown rules were always pretty halfassed and accompanied by a lot of contradicting messages about how dangerous certain things were or weren’t and that the real reason to do all of these things was to “protect Grandma.”

Also, the relatively low case rates in Australia means your anecdotal experience is a lot different than ours here. Even if we haven’t been pozzed, many people in the US have direct (friend/family member) or maybe one step removed (friend of a friend) experience with someone who had a bad case of Covid, but just based on the statistics, that means we also know lots of people who had it and recovered. I mean, our 70 year old obese president got it and was holding rallies by the next week, so it’s not surprising that a healthy 25 year old assumes they’ll be fine.


That you still talk to? You protest too much


Do it.


I mean good point with the amount of recoveries but you’d think 1 person being hospitalised vs 15 being fairly symptomless (to be conservative) would lead people to take it seriously. Thats what makes it stranger to me. I know no one who has been pozzed and everybody I’ve asked also knows no one who has been pozzed. Likely a symptom of the circles I keep given the majority of pozzings were in an area of my city I don’t live in. I think my council area (100k people) had about 30 total cases.

So what’s the effectiveness of one dose of the 2 dose vaccine? I know not 100%, but is there any measure of it? I would think there’s gotta be some significant immune response within a week.

Also, my reaction to people worried about the vaccine and not getting it, let em. More for people who aren’t fucking idiots. The Trump administration has cured me of excess performative caring for people who make poor decisions. (This doesn’t apply to people “deciding” to work, because that’s not really an option for most. It’s about people deciding not to take the vaccine.)

I can’t. He is a prick but he has a wife and kids and even if not he would get fired and I can’t do that to someone.

Besides the dumb ass told enough people the rumor mill might get him anyway. And the fourteen days is up so meh…

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There the large swath of people who want to “wait till others get it and see” that are almost universally not taking the vaccine when they eventually see some horseshit about someone having an allergic reaction or something.

A bunch of idiots not wanting to take the vaccine will just cause more lockdowns, further job loss and bankruptcies for others.

This is the type of response that lets people get away with it, pozz others, fuck over people in the mirror spot, etc… Like he’d totally fuck you over if roles were reversed and laugh about it…

But I do the same thing as you most of the time, despite feeling like a sucker for it. This is a great microcosm of why liberals lose so goddamn always, to borrow a phrase. We’re not aggro enough.

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Well, some people here are taking it very seriously. Not everyone is YOLO-ing, but the YOLOers get the press.

Also, what people define as “taking it seriously” is also strongly influenced by community standards. If you are acting about as cautiously or slightly more cautiously than your peers you think you are taking it seriously even if engaging in behaviors that someone in a different area with a different set of norms might find unnecessarily risky.

Finally there is a certain strain of American optimism that just leads many of us to always believe that we’ll be the 15, not the 1 (just like many believe they’ll be billionaire needing that sweet estate tax cut someday).

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I hate Trump for encouraging people to believe that wearing a mask was as personal and absurd a decision as whether to inject yourself with hydroxybleach.

Oh for sure I’ve seen him get temps fired for not doing his work. Total asshole who will probably put more knifes in my back.

But I did make him sweet it a little which was fun. See when I found out he turned me in I asked him if he wanted me tell the supervisor all his dirt (he has a lot) and call up NYS and tell them about his little trip. The guy could not stop apologizing.

I just can’t be a cop. Plus I have no real evidence accept what I’ve heard from others so it would not go anywhere anyway. And he has a family so I can’t go there.

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This was probably covered in parts of the thread I skipped, but apparently there is good evidence that one does is reasonably effective. A Shot (Instead of Two) at Saving Lives - WSJ

Even if one does weren’t effective, I would hope they use up all the initial supply and give the second does based on vaccine that’s available in a few weeks. They aren’t going to stop making and shipping the stuff. Any other approach would be dumb.

And now for some Covid talk

Can’t believe it but I’m team Calipari. It almost has to be Covid related because they won’t say (and it’s lolFlorida) but Cal is right they have to come out and say it one way or the other.

Vote was 20-0, one abstention. After hours Moderna stock is… down.

Lol me. I’m such a sucker. Should have bailed on it a week ago.

I don’t see how anyone is going to get a definitive answer to this question. The answer will almost be ‘probably’. Medicine has a lot more gray areas than the layperson realizes.