COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Lol wow. This is a forum of poker players, very few of whom are net negatives on society. And yeah, it’s work for me because it’s how I make my living, something I need to keep doing since some assholes are hellbent on drinking in bars and dining in restaurants and keeping this pandemic going for as long as possible.

The only person in this conversation who’s a net negative on society is the one who was out in bars and restaurants last week doing his part to contribute to the spread.

I’m with you til here. Like what are we supposed to do about coffee shops? Not buy coffee so that they go out of business and the employees end up fucked with no additional aid?

If you’re saying we should be paying them to stay home, yeah, I agree. But we’re not. So given the current set of circumstances, the choices are: give them business and keep them afloat or don’t.

I think giving them business is better. I could be wrong, but it seems like the move. Unemployment is high, safe jobs aren’t plentiful, and little/no help is coming.

FWIW, a visualization of cases using county-level data. Compared to the summer months, November looks apocalyptic.

I’m planning on revisiting this maybe every few weeks, hopefully the map gradually clears up over the next year.


ViridianDreams, COME ON DOWN!!!

Yeah, at one point, I was tracking the percentage of counties >100,000 population that were experiencing high, moderate, and low rates of new cases.

High cases are ~at least 100 new cases per 100,000 over the last 2 weeks.
Moderate - between 50-100 new cases per 100,000 over the last 2 weeks
Low - less than 50 new cases per 100,000 over the last 2 weeks

But then the graph just maxed out at every county reporting high rates some time in October. So I stopped.

It’s insane how numb I’ve gotten tot he numbers. I still remember telling my wife when Ohio, and then Columbus, reported their very first case, and feeling uncertain dread. Now Ohio just drops 10k cases on a daily basis and it’s no big deal.


Holy hell can everyone take it down a notch.


Because gyms drive way more spread than curbside coffee to go? Like tons of spread vs very little.

It should all be shut down for a couple months and we should give everyone like $12K, but instead we’re left arguing over where to draw the line between additional spread and who should starve because their job isn’t important, which is a gross argument to have.

But a coffee shop with 3-5 employees who are not really exposed to anyone else except masked outdoors is way safer for all involved than gyms, bars, indoor dining, salons, etc.

The problem is that closing the shops is the economic impact on the poor people. The privileged ones are the ones complaining that they cant go to the gym, the ones who have to work there are the ones who are affected by closing down.

Poker almost by definition is a net negative on society, yeah. You take money from people who are dumber or less informed or intoxicated and making poor decisions or who have personality issues and offer nothing in return. You should feel some amount of shame about it that you chose it as a profession. You should also be embarrassed to call it “work” like you are putting in shifts sweeping floors or something. And yeah, that’s true for everyone else who plays poker as a profession. You act like you have no choice but to go to these games to make a living, like you are some front-line worker. Bull shit. You chose to play poker, despite the fact that you are clearly intelligent and capable to where you could have had a whole host of other careers in which you could earn a living remotely, rather than preying on suckers at a live poker game. That doesn’t mean your life is a net negative, though. I think you’re a decent person all around, but you should tap the breaks a bit before you come at me.


I don’t disagree, but these “dumber, less informed” people that I play against tend to be rich as shit and run businesses where they exploit employees while supporting pretty awful to horrific policies. So I’m not totally convinced taking their money and then using it to spend the rest of my free time volunteering in a food bank is actually negative in any way.

I do realize this is rationalization to some extent because gambling is surely a drain on society. But there’s a huge myth that a bunch of other jobs contribute to society when many or even most of them are worse negatives than poker player. Including many jobs done by people here who are good people. We live where and when we live.


Oh, boy. Please tell me you play poker professionally, too?

At my work people don’t always wear masks the entire time they’re working and I eat in a lunch room without a mask. Come get me.


I take money from people worth 10 to 2,500 times what I’m worth, and I provide entertainment in return.

None whatsoever and go to hell.

It’s as much work as a shift at any white collar job, I happen to enjoy it just like I enjoyed broadcasting. But I made less than minimum wage at that so I decided to take on a lifetime of shame. (Lol)

You’ve just insulted a huge percentage of this forum (some past some present), congrats.

Not at a moment’s notice. It’s not like WFH jobs are growing on trees right now, let alone for people with a big resume gap.

I went to school for something else, tried it, made shit money despite being good at it while getting passed over for people more connected and well off, and made the most +EV choice for myself in terms of happiness and finances in a decaying economic structure.

Dude you could sit outside in any number of safe places to socialize with 3-5 people with virtually no risk, instead you chose restaurants and bars. Judge my career all you want, I get it all the time in real life. But you own your shitty choices.

I’ve managed to socialize outdoors and distanced
in small groups when it’s 40 degrees outside, so I have zero sympathy for someone in Florida feeling the need to go to bars and restaurants.

This right here. There are plenty of poker players who use their time and money for good causes and are thus a net positive.

Yep, like there are plenty of corporate drones in this country who are huge net negatives on society, but they are held up as shining examples of being a positive member of society. Everyone can agree poker players are shit, though.

Surprised at the frequency with which it happens on this forum in particular, but oh well. IRL all I can do is laugh, there’s no explaining to these people why the financial planner at Goldman, social media engagement analytical person for Facebook, etc, etc are doing bad in the world.

Arrived in NYC last Sunday, today someone came by our apartment to check if we were quarantining (we are). Was surprised to have an actual person come check up on us. She called our phones while standing outside the apt to verify we were indeed here.

Apparently $10k fine for not following the rules.


Honestly this thread reflects the ebb and flow of the pandemic as I’ve observed it. You see people losing interest, letting their guard down, more and more ITT being pozzed when for months there were none. I have friends who say that pretty much everyone they know is or has been pozzed, and even as they are feeling ill expressing excitement and relief that, now that they have it, they can go back to normal (these folks were obviously living mostly normal, which is why their entire circles are pozzed).

Like it or not, COVID-19 is now widely considered to be a disease that impacts the vulnerable with only vanishingly rare exception. Those of us staying inside are the oddballs, even as performative “lockdown” measures are popping up everywhere. But, the battle has been lost. The die has been cast. I’d say it is vaccine or bust, but even that is not true. It’s just bust.

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What’s up with the vastly different timelines experts are giving?

I saw Fauci last week saying he thought regular healthy people would be able to get the vaccine in April. And then today I saw Biden people saying regular people won’t be able to get it until late summer or fall. Wat?

Biden people underpromising so they can deliver early and take credit.

My God, when did I become Governor of Tennessee?

Same for me for a while but I’ve been boycotting the break room lately since cases are way up in my county.

Made a half joke not joke to the supervisor it’s a plague room and they put some social distancing stickers on the table. Still no thanks.