COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Given that you read this thread at all, you should be ashamed for drawing this conclusion. Equating talking near someone in a mask to sitting in a room maskless with a bunch of people for 10 minutes is ridiculous.

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Bears repeating.


Cuse glasses in stone houses

I’m working 12 hours a month in person, everyone is masked, I’m in an N95, and so far 4+ windows were open each time. I’ve done zero indoor socializing.

y’all swaggering around 2 inch e-peens is decidedly not interesting


Maybe watch a Bill Nye video showing how masks work.

Got my wife a Starbucks drink as a treat, casually killing a few people, because she’s feeling like shit (not covid) and wanted something to pick her up. I’ll live with this murder for the rest of my life.


Sure, but a lot of folks here are living in a system where their next paycheck may be >50% of their net worth. I’d imagine that many of them are far more concerned with how they are going to avoid becoming homeless due to being denied their ability to work to support themselves than they are catching COVID. Also, plenty of those folks will end up getting massively fucked on the back rent that they may be footed to pay.

It’s my fault.

I mean all of us suggesting shutdowns would have and still would pair it with UBI to get people through.

May? There’s no may. They’re massively fucked.

I agree, but their country failed them there so it’s plan B for a lot of them. The eviction moratorium is also deceitfully dangerous and will be very costly as I see you recognize.

My point is that I don’t blame the folks who truly don’t have other options but to fight tooth and nail to work.

Yeah I mean this country fucking sucks, it’s a complete oligarchy, and it’s massively failing the working class.

That’s the whole reason we aren’t doing a proper shutdown btw. The wealthy know they can’t do a shutdown without giving people money, they’re not willing to give people money (other than themselves), hence no shutdown. The first one was half assed and misused.

I’m not blaming the waiters or bartenders or retail workers for wanting to work.

Can we make a separate thread for people that want to judge each others covid activities and risk?

I usually don’t mind derails but in this thread we should practice more discipline.


Yes. Just add it to the Cactus thread.


What is wrong with you? Its literally in the post you responded to. Do i need to requote it?

Do you feel better to smuggly mischarecterize my position while being objectively wrong? You do you buddy.

I normally skim over the posts accusing you of being a shitty poster, but damn son.

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Since this is the grievance thread now.

To save money where I work they decided they are cutting the heat down to 55 degrees in most buildings until the college kids come back. Guess they want the virus to live longer and workers immune systems to be cold. Better then being laid off I guess…sigh.

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Working? You play poker. Your work is a net negative on society and the people you take money from. You should feel bad about that, and you should probably think twice about how harshly you judge others for decisions they make that you think are harmful.

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Sorry for any derail or w/e. I never posted here because I fully agreed with the severity of COVID but have been feeling it for those who are fighting for the ability to work their job to support themselves without the financial assistance… nm, I don’t think it was me, carry on.

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