COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

You said you needed his take. You got exactly what you asked for. (Although, I guess he technically didn’t comment on Keeed ducking into the break room for free Chipotle, then leaving to eat somewhere by himself.)

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I am super angry at the people who are the real villains in this. Those people are not on this forum. They are the people denying it exists, eating out and hitting bars every night, actively spreading propaganda and the like. I turned on Glenn Beck this AM he is having a WE AREN’T GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE telethon for small business owners and actively telling people to defy safety protocols and government edicts. That is a villain.

Suzzer going rogue to fuck, VD occasionally hitting the bar or Cactus planking at the gym maskless are all making choices that I disagree with but let’s be fair they are probably all still in the top 10-20% of precautions. Could they do better? Sure. I’m sure I have made a couple choices people would disagree with also. I am not in the top 1% of precautions like a JT, I maybe fall in the 5-10% category. But the vast vast majority of the problem lies with the 60% of the country that literally just doesn’t give a shit or are actively doing things in defiance of reality to try and make some political point. They are responsible for 98% of the death and economic destruction and losing sight of that to shame a few people for bad decisions in a sea of otherwise good ones I think is counterproductive. You don’t think pozzed up VD knows he made a mistake? I bet he does.


I was being facetious. He’s never once made a post that made me stop and think or otherwise added anything to my life. He basically just looks for spots where he can attack someone else’s character. Otherwise he has nothing to say.

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I mean he has directly responded to this and insists that he has not endangered anyone but himself.

This whole idea of “well, if 100 people are at a bar, I’m not making things more dangerous by also going there” is stupid, and everyone here knows that it’s stupid.


Someone who didn’t want some punishment would have never shown up and admitted he is pozzed right after posting pictures at a bar.


They set up socially distanced tables. Two people on each end of an eight foot table. Did Christmas decorations. Couldn’t leave, seems pretty safe tbh. Also it was qdoba, not chipotle.

There’s also a pound and a half per person candy allocation.

Just to clarify since everyone thinks this is about sex - my horniness level couldn’t be any lower right now. I’m 51. My dick stopped ruling me a while back. This is 100% about the potential for a long term thing and 0% about getting laid. My perfect vacation would be we don’t even have sex, but really make a connection and start to fall for each other. If I just wanted to get laid I’d do it doggy style, wearing a mask, in a running shower, with a hooker in LA - and save a lot of money.

My natural pace of meeting a serious girlfriend who I like and can put up with my shit seems to be about every 25 years - which puts my next girlfriend arriving at age 70.

I don’t feel like I can afford to pass up an opportunity to speed up that process. I’m pretty anxious about the trip. This is the least excited I’ve ever been about a vacation. I keep hoping LA will cancel non-essential outgoing flights or something so I can have the decision made for me.


A good strategy would keeping my name out of your damn mouth or possibly not crying when you name me and I appear

I too am not horny that’s why I have the second most posts in the sex thread and make weird horny posts all the time oh wait that’s you

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I totally get it. I do. I shake my head and some of this stuff also. I am just saying 9 months in the people doing 95% of things right are people we should be grateful for even if there are some moments of weakness in there. The average American out there is just totally done with it and has been for months. That’s why we have 20,000 Americans dying a week from it right now.


Qdoba worth getting pozzed imo.

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Let’s circle back to this. Can you identify what made you feel this way today? Why did you choose this thread to pick a fight? Do you remember the last time you felt this way? Can you say what set you off then?

I’m not mad at you man and I do mostly understand why you are doing it. I am lucky enough to be in a mostly happy marriage that has allowed me to stay semi-sane during this. I can’t imagine being single through it and I am sorry you have had to go through that. I also am aware enough to know if I was single it would be very very hard to turn that down. I do appreciate that you have made lots sacrifices elsewhere.


I woke up realizing I had very little work to do. I have now achieved my goal of fucking off on the internet for 2 hours. And my heart rate is up a little - which I think is kind of addictive.

In a weird negative compulsion way I miss the runup to the election and the week after - doomscrolling for 4 hours every monring.

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Yeah I’m not saying I should be going to Costa Rica right now. But it just bugs me when everyone says it’s to get laid. It’s not for sex.

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You are vastly understating the impact of exponential growth. Even if you infected just one or two other people, you could still be responsible for hundreds of cases and multiple deaths in fairly short order.


So the local state representative that caused a shitstorm on my wife’s fb a few weeks ago, who runs around sabotaging our local health department and screaming OFB! from the rooftops is isolating and waiting on test results.

I’ll save my prayers for someone else. I’m sure he will get through it and use it to flutard things up even further.


“I met a very hot Irish girl who lives in Germany on my big trip and had a drunken hookup. She’s decided to go to Costa Rica on Dec 12th and is asking me to come. JFC.”

Sounds like love hope you live happily ever after.


I paid attention when you expressed FOMO at a potential long-term relationship with someone who is compatible with your love of travel. Is there more to it than that?

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Everyone is just one human incapable of making an appreciable impact in any sort of societal system thus it doesn’t matter what you do in any situation

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