COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Oh yeah that’s definitely what I’m doing. But I can’t wait like 15 minutes because it will be gone.

Pretty mediocre. All the ones around me seem to be gone. Rubio’s definitely superior.

This place if you ever see one is the shit:


I can’t see my jimmies getting rustled about spending all of about 15 seconds to grab a burrito wearing a mask in a room with other people. I guess if someone in there was coughing without a mask, then I’d skip it.

Gonna need watev’s take before I know for sure how I feel about Keeed’s Chipotle adventure.

Can you tell I have nothing to do today and would rather fight on the internet? But the hilarious thing is whenever I pick the fight I’m the one who gets all upset at the end. It’s like a dog biting their tail until they cry in pain. Than you for coming to my self-therapy session.


So in my day to day I interact with very few people who aren’t already putting themselves at risk, ie they have made calculations about their risk of exposure that are similar to mine, but since this weekend, yeah, I’ve been isolating.

I’m open to being convinced otherwise, but my behavior really wasn’t making the community appreciably less safe in the general sense. Yes it was a selfish decision and in some theoretical sense increased the risk in the community in some minuscule increment, but South Florida has been OFB for a while and one additional person isolating is going to turn the tide. It’s not like Florida is New Zealand or Australia, or any one of the numerous other places that have (rightly) decided to collectively shutdown for everyone’s safety and have little to no community spread.

Nobody’s putting anyone at risk picking up a free coffee at a drive through. And healthcare workers know how to protect themselves better than anyone. Get a grip.

Why would you poke me in this fashion? Is it so I would make a post you could cry about later

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to him it must feel like a miracle that he just puts something on instagram and hundreds of idiots show up to listen about god

So your big problem with me is that I’m too harsh on Democrats in my internet posting and this is what you do IRL? Consider shutting the fuck up forever


No, they aren’t. Not anymore than any normal person going to the grocery store or having an instacart shopper do it for them. You’re clouded by extreme emotion on this issue. It was just a throwaway line, I forgot who even the principals were in the great coffee takeout argument. But I remember now.

My overall point is everyone is taking on and dishing out some level of risk in this thing. Nothing is zero. Just because someone hasn’t left their bedroom for 9 months I personally don’t think gives them license to shame everyone else who’s doing very modest things that are super low risk.

You want to shame me for Costa Rica? Fine. I’m not really defending that. But I will defend Wichita’s wife’s right to pick up a free coffee when she’s out there being a hero defending us. Or maybe it was bored social - I get them mixed up sometimes.

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Got my COVID vaccine appointment for tomorrow. Trip report?


Tell us how icy the -80F liquid feels in your veins.


lol well hopefully the shot goes into my muscle but I’ll let ya know


I heard that like heroin it’s more effective if you take it in the jugular.

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Maybe the guy who books a flight to Costa Rica during a pandemic to fuck just shouldn’t be the one trying to spit hot fire about this issue.


Ok we’re done. Back on temp ignore for you. Sorry to poke the bear.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Never reading your posts again watevs LOLOLOLOLOL

That sounds like totally sincere not mad laughter from a clown who definitely will never click show post. You have no standing on this issue. Go away