COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

When you don’t even try to engage the poster on the point they’re making, and just say “that’s not herd immunity”, it’s not really a useful addition to the thread.

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That reminds me, someone mentioned earlier that Dakotas may be hitting herd due to a small dip in cases with no restrictions.

That isn’t true.

They did:

Mask mandates
Business restrictions on things like dining
K-12 sports and activities all stopped

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Well I wasn’t around and by the time I got back Dan had already explained it so I didn’t need to.

And you know I have in the past and that we keep having the same conversations over and over again.

Fair point this time it was a drive-by, but that was only temporary.

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Obviously. The restrictions were mentioned, by me, as likely part of the reason by SD decline. Also human behavior changes that weren’t mandated. And yes maybe some amount of the stupidest of the herd who think it’s a hoax and therefore are doing no isolation, getting covid, can still be a part of it.

So assuming you can contract COVID-19 multiple times, we would need enough of the population to either have naturally kicked COVID in the past x months or gotten the vaccine/booster to hit whatever the magic immunity threshold happens to turn out to be.

And the difference between this and getting influenza vaccines (which doesn’t produce any kind of herd immunity) is that influenza mutates enough to require novel immunity annually?

So that’s the most optimistic way we might one day stop having to look at the Rona Leaderboards every day? And we have zero shot at that because fully half the population won’t take the vaccine?

A possible outcome to this is basically liberals taking the vaccine, yearly if needed, and 95% of us avoiding bad outcomes, while conservatives refuse and just keep jumping off that cliff like lemmings every year.

2030 Census could be interesting.


What happened to pre-producing seven leading vaccines candidates?

I actually think this cycle that seems to play out in places that you’d think would be closest to one big wave - ND, SD, Manaus is fascinating. It seems like it must be either non-enforced behavior changes or most of the people who don’t take it seriously get it, while a chunk who do take it seriously have removed themselves from the pool. But then later that chunk gets more complacent or something and wave 2 comes.

If we were a naked mole rat colony - it should just be one big spike, right?

Never appreciated my RTs enough until I had to live without them during the peak. Godspeed my friend.

edit: Now I’m thinking about one of my favorite moments during the pandemic. We had run out of ventilators but still had machines that we used only for bipap (they are the facemask Darth Vader breathing thingies). Me and a colleague found the machine and googled how to reprogram it. We damn near killed a person we first tried it on, but we managed to jury-rig it into working as a pressure control ventilator. We were so damn proud of that.


Our feelings about the leaderboards may be quite different once everyone who wants to be vaccinated is vaccinated.


He’s focused on worldwide vaccination, not just the US which can already provide everyone with free vaccines.

But I think you got expectations up from poor media reporting/headlines back in April.

He was trying to get the 7 manufacturing strategy going but that’s many billions and needed other stakeholders. He never said he would do it alone or it was gonna happen, but that he wanted to make it happen.

And he did personally fund some plants in India to manufacture the Oxford vaccine when they couldn’t have done it otherwise.

But almost $2B given to this so far and lots of other money from others he has raised. He’s done some of the best work on helping the world get past this so I don’t think “fuck you” is in order but rather “thank you and keep it up”

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That’s less than 1.7% of his net worth. It’s cool that he’s helping third world nations and all, but let’s not pretend he’s giving some huge portion of his wealth to this.

But it doesn’t deserve a “fuck you”…reserve that for the poor reporting

He’s doing more than donating also and is one of the MVPs of the response so far


They should really think about giving vaccines in a medical setting in case anything comes up…

I think that is incredibly short sighted. Do they think this hyper isolation that has worked extraordinarily well this year doesn’t have any long term drawbacks?

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I take it gates is not focused on the US as the US has plenty of other resources to provide vaccinations even with the idiot White House in the way.


That’s a pretty poor take.

Surprised by all the stanning for billionaires ITT and eDems in the Bailout thread. I guess people are in the bargaining phase or something.


Exactly what I told them. Ugh this whole pandemic experience has made me even more depressed about humans as a community. Zero long term concern, highly unwilling to make even the most minor changes for the good of the world.

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