COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Yeah, this was overkill to me. I am not a fan.

Given that masks in ROW don’t seem to be working, where do we go from here?

I’m gonna guess surface transfer is more of thing a thing than the US are reporting


The global coronavirus death toll could hit two million before an effective vaccine is widely used, the World Health Organization has warned.

No where to go. If you lock people down and restrict movement, you can decrease the spread. Places that did it and relaxed see it start back up again.

The US isn’t going to lock anything down. Only thing you can do is try to keep yourself from getting it and run out the clock until either there is an effective enough treatment for the risk to be low enough to be acceptable to you, or the thing goes away either from natural processes or via vaccination.

There are no collective “we are all in this thing together” approaches remaining that will do anything more than lead to subtle regional variations in outcomes. There is literally no where to go from here except to sit back and enjoy the ride.


Says the guy who refuses to set foot in public buildings.

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Ffs my sister asking if we would like to go out to dinner, at a restaurant, because two of my aunts and an uncle are in town.

Uncle is the uncle I talked about in multiple threads who is a trumper, covidiot, systematic racism denier etc.

How about fuck no




Nope. What you linked was very different from what Riverman said:

Whether he is board certified or not has nothing to do with whether he got “into actual medical school”. I still have no idea what Riverman was talking about.

Rand’s issues with board certification are well-known. Not getting into medical school was new to me and is a completely different issue.


DeSantis was a busy boy today:


Looks like the party of local government doesn’t actually believe local government. Fortunately my fainting couch is close by.

Fewer than 1 in 10 Americans showed signs of past infection with the novel coronavirus as of late July, suggesting that most of the country may still be vulnerable to infection, according to one of the largest studies of its kind published Friday in the journal The Lancet.

That proportion is an estimate based on the percentage of dialysis patients whose immune systems produced coronavirus antibodies. It does not indicate exactly how many Americans may be immune to the virus, because not every infected individual develops antibodies. It is also unclear how strong a defense antibodies might confer or for how long. But, combined with similar results from studies by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other institutions, it’s evident a large majority may not be protected against a disease that has already killed 200,000 Americans


I wonder how bad it will have to get in the Czech Republic for schools to close.

So far, things seem to be plateauing at around 3,000 new cases/day on 22 to 23,000 tests per day.

I mean if having 10-15% of your tests coming back positive for the past two weeks isn’t enough to shut down schools, then what is? They say that the hospital beds specifically for covid patients are nearly full. Does the country have to become Italy in March before things shut down?

Florida literally has the Joker as governor.


Are you confused about the difference between optometry and ophthalmology? Because Paul definitely got into Duke’s medical school, then matched into a super competitive field. I suppose I could be missing something else but I’m not sure.

The most irredeemable GOP scumbags are the ones who obviously know better and have made a conscious decision to be horrible humans.

Some of them are legitimately just complete fucking morons. But there is a special place in hell for people like Ron DeSantis (Yale, Harvard Law), Tom Cotton (Harvard, Harvard Law) and Ben Sasse (Harvard, Yale Masters). Garbage humans, full stop.


No I was wrong about Rand, I was confusing him with someone else. I regret the error.


good fucking god

Kayleigh McEnany (Georgetown, Oxford, Miami, Harvard)

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I mean graduating a good school doesn’t mean you aren’t dumb and susceptible to bullshit. There were pretty highly educated people and lawyers in the branch Dravidian that decided to stay there and die. Lots of educated people join cults and believe insane shit.

Obviously some are sociopaths who know what they’re doing is fucked up but use it to obtain power, but wouldn’t shock me if a bunch are true believers who were raised to think the way they do but realize demographics are shifting so they have to do everything possible to stop power from shifting.