COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Ted Cruz (Princeton, Harvard Law), Josh Hawley (Stanford, Yale Law)

They gave away the game with their quotes about Trump in 2016. They all know.


Oh 100% they know about Trump, I thought we were talking about general Republican ideology.

They kiss his ass because he’s their only path to power now.

My general point was some may be true believers in Republican ideology, and getting an ivy league education doesn’t really change the odds.

Is LA sen Kennedy a Rhodes scholar or some shit. He sure likes to play the bumpkin.

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I think the Huckabee Australian interview is informative though she is not as credentialed as those guys. They all know what Trump is but he serves some combination of being good for them personally and the best path forward for their true ideology (some variation of America “belongs” to white people and is being taken away from them).

What’s interesting is the George Conway (or David Lat, as I know Riverman said he is a good guy) types, who obviously aren’t in it because of the white supremacy (they aren’t even white) and probably not personal power, but have found some bizarre higher meaning in the Federalist Society’s mission to stack the courts.

Australia almost back to having the virus under control. NSW no new cases with unknown origin for a while now and Melbourne cases dropping fast. Rest of Australia is basically virus free. So glad to live in a country that is doing the right thing. Bonus is that we might end up with a lot more outdoor eating and drinking places as well with liquor laws changing before the summer starts.


God I fucking love Ben Carson. I’ve worked with some very nice neurosurgeons, but at a lot of places they are malignant assholes. Ben Carson was probably a shitty neurosurgeon per the few I’ve talked to about him (he likely took too many cases and did more harm then good), they all hate him though.

Magaritaville comedian replied to her:

masked singer? lol philistines. obviously WATCHMEN was the true introduction of a mask society to the zeitgeist

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I went to Oxford with a full on deplorable.

Before I blocked him on Facebook I had it out with him when he said that aboriginal Australians had an IQ of 70.

I spent time pointing out all the things that I knew that he knew about the world that made this impossible and he shrugged it off.

He believed it because he’s a racist and it fits his world view. He was never going to devote even a fraction of his admittedly strong intellect to examining it. That’s the issue.


Someone has put the New Zealand Prime minister’s daily updates up on IMDB.


Possibly a slow pony as I’ve been skipping. But this economist article is full of data and info that seemed new to me.


Maybe if you had an IQ above that of an aboriginal Australian this info wouldn’t be so new to you. Ever think of that?

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Nah just a funny reference to something up thread.

This is a good read. Lots of data presented clearly and explained well.


This is a bad meme

Read 4 posts up from yours. I’m not a racist, I have an aboriginal Australian friend.

Yeah. Some of my best friends are black

In all seriousness I didn’t realize it was a reference to something earlier in the thread.