COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

The other day I was checking the surf on a path between two houses and when people walked by I’d throw my mask on and I saw an elderly couple who lives near the spot who walk around on the beach together picking up trash at dawn coming my way so when I got back to my car I kept my mask on because I knew they were going to cross the street and walk straight past my car and we were going to say hi and good morning to each other, but before they came a group of surfers walked past me from the other direction and i knew they were thinking “oh look at friggin mask boy towel changing in his mask with nobody around” lol like i’m not this guy i swear!

Its amazing how easy it is to get kids to wear their masks if their parents aren’t stupid. All you had to do was make mask wearing fun. Like my friends kids mask up so easily because they have no idea what’s going on and actually listen to their parents.

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My kids are plenty old enough to understand what’s going on. Fortunately, they’re not dumb shits and they gladly wear masks.

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Though I have it hanging around my neck. Pretty easy to pull it up before going in

ETA: I use a proper mask. Not the ripped t-shirt around my face in my avatar.

So that one is just for when you rob banks?


Joe Rogan thinks you’re a giant pussy.

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Rooms aren’t random though. And the distribution of cases isn’t either.

More like, I have covid in prison or in a meat packing facility. Everyone pretty much already had it. Its going to change the dynamics of transmission in a major way for populations of people that were major drivers of cases.

I can’t remember if this guy was already posted as a winnar or just a nominee but just in case it’s WINNING TIME!!! Tom Tenpenny come on down to hell


The socialist hoax took away everything he had, now he doesn’t even have two nickels to rub together. Or something like that.

“If we’re going to rely on natural infection to bring about herd immunity, even in places where there’s been high rates of infection, the percentage of population that has been infected and is immune is still well below the numbers that are needed to achieve herd immunity.”

The idea that groups of people’s are constants and that people don’t belong to multi groups is a fallacy that wipes out any theoretical help from some clustered herd immunity. Nice theory. Might even able to find a couple of specific antidote. But unlikely to anything more than a rounding error in the big scheme of things.

In order to really take advantage you need some kind of tracking app and retesting of disease acquired immune response.

Rapid antigen testing for presence of the virus is much more likely to make an impact.

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Ok I’ll bite, how is this motherfucking thing going to evolve to get through muh masks? Evolves to stay ‘alive’ longer on the surface of the mask I guess? It’s not going to shrink in size.

It won’t but if we insist on reducing but not eliminating opportunities for transmission then we will most likely see a variant that infect at a lower minimum dose. Or increased survivability as droplets dry out.

If we all wore 100 % effective masks 100 % of the time then bingo. Except 100% lol and especially lol over a long period of time. Always going to an idiot reservoir of the virus as well.

We need vaccine acquired herd immunity.

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Wasn’t this the lady who got cowed into resigning as health director or something?


more of this please

“I don’t think that the closure of restaurants has proven to be effective,” DeSantis said.

Meanwhile the entire Florida state government remains closed.

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Why doesn’t he just open up the Villages?

Looks like my teenage cousin in the UK may have COVID. He’s quarantined in his room with a high fever awaiting test results. Yay mandatory in person school!