COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING


Alcohol withdrawal is no joke. That said, I don’t think 40 drinks a week is typically enough to cause the symptoms you describe. That’s a 6 pack a night, which while obviously not great isn’t a ton for an experienced heavy drinker. However, if its 40 “drinks,” self-poured or whatever, I think that could be consistent.

I once landed in the ER with what was basically a continuous panic attack and obsessive, non-rational thoughts. Anxiety so bad I can’t even put it into words. And of course, a heart rate off the charts. I mostly felt normal within a week, other than the blood pressure and heart rate, which took weeks to come down.


is there an O/U number on predictit for how many people Rudy pozzed this week?


Given that Rudy was asking witnesses sitting two feet from him to take off their mask, if there is, I’d take the over.

It’s not that easy. Linemakers are aware of this as well.

I sent Rudy a DM.


Now, scientists who have reviewed the data say the mutations themselves aren’t particularly concerning because there is little evidence that they allow the virus to spread more easily among people, make it more deadly or will jeopardize therapeutics and vaccines. “The mink-associated mutations we know of are not associated with rapid spread, nor with any changes in morbidity and mortality,” says Astrid Iversen, a virologist at the University of Oxford, UK.

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Give a couple of the mods a pair of horns.

40 beers is definitely enough to cause a nasty withdrawal.

Bad etoh withdrawal is both simple and hard to treat. You end up giving those people ungodly amounts of benzos or barbiturates, then they get so sleepy they stop breathing so they end up on the vent, then they end up needing even more crazy amounts of sedation. I like adding in ketamine and propofol to versed once their intubated, but a lot of ERs are having good success with a barbiturate pattern. Just wasn’t trained that way

Alcohol vents suck. It can take days for withdrawal to pass then several more days before sedation can be weaned to the point they aren’t apneic but also not jumping out of bed. I’d literally prefer meth ODs.

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40 beers in a week?

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I smoked a little. Figured that would be good for my ox levels. I do feel some better. Also I had this thought:

Ive realized that it actually does make sense all the DIE FOR THE DOW JOANS fans are “pro-life”. They want businesses to exist but they don’t want to give them any actual support.


7dma officially crossing 200k today

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It also depends if we’re talking 135 lbs or 250 lbs.

Looks like things are slowly getting worse in the Czech Republic again.

Things like this aren’t helping

Translation: Crowds of protesters marched through Prague to the seat of government. No masks, no spacing

Since the anti-epidemic meter here is now at level 4, we may revert back to mostly online classes again. And I’m sure Christmas will make things worse too.

Ultimately, only a vaccine will save humanity. Even then less than half the Czechs here will take it.

When quitting alcohol cold turkey, your body craved the sugar that it was getting from the alcohol. People often gain weight when quitting and it’s also the reason people bring a lot of sweets to AA meetings.

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To be pedantic alcohol is not metabolized like sugar, which is why alcohol is allowed on the Atkins diet. But alcohol is easy calories, so it’s easy calories that the body craves.

Regarding withdrawal from alcohol, there are no definitive answers because obviously you can’t do controlled experiments and alcoholics constantly lie about their consumption level, but I’m with Riverman that a six pack a night for a period, for a man, is unlikely to cause much in the way of withdrawal. I mean some anxiety, insomnia, that sort of thing, sure, but random tachycardia not so much. Obviously can’t make any grand declarations about it being impossible but its an unlikely explanation.