COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I wonder what a $126 can of Keystone Light tastes like



To be clear, one Er doc in NY vs the BMJ…

Benzos, but then there’s some bad news about benzo withdrawals…

Rudy Giuliani come on down!


Well, if you can find them. They were in short supply in the early months.

Here’s the story on Rudy:


IV vodka obv.

(But seriously etoh gets benzos, barbiturates, ketamine, propofol, etc as needed)

God you want to be smarter than me so bad, check your other link dumbass

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At my facility we have a tranxene protocol for ETOH, and IV ativan (a benzo) if it gets really bad

In case it wasn’t obvious, that was a joke

Edit: I did see a patient get vodka as a treatment. Was in med school but rotating at a small rural hospital. Guy drank ethylene glycol and that hospital didn’t have fomepizole. Forget what BAC they targeted but they had a specific goal and did frequent blood testing.

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It’s hard to take any of you seriously dressed like this fwiw



Without Rudy’s steady hand, how will we ever get to the bottom of this election fraud and install our rightful leader, Donald J Trump, in January 20th?

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Yes, the second link , also from a way better source than this internet doctor found that just 8 out of 10 had long covid. The first link found 98% of 211 had breathing diffilculties after 140 days positive - and only 20% of the studies 21 participants had underlying factors like obesity - bound to be way worse in the US

Where’s your study Doc or are we going on your gut feel here?

A little ponied but the committee has a job to do:

Hizzoner is thus nominated


That’s fake news. Trump tweeted that Ruday has “tested positive for the China virus.”

Shoppers embraced a pedestrianised Regent Street in Central London on Saturday.

… the vast majority apparently coming away empty handed from their search for those elusive masks.


Your first link is garbage too. That unreviewed BMI article is entirely subjective data with more than 1/3rd of it never testing positive for covid or covid antibodies.

Long covid may end up being a thing. There’s nothing but shit data to support it and it’s exactly like things like chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic Lyme, etc that also have little to nothing behind it.

The difference here is that I’m able to critically appraise literature, your approach is not even reading past the first paragraph of a google search.

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I wonder if greasy black scalp ooze is also an early symptom of covid? Is it possible that Giuliani made undisclosed trips to Denmark to commune with zombie mink?


Someone add mayor G to the heaven covid pic already. Need to send it to my friends.

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