COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

The study enrolled participants at two UK sites in Oxford and London between April and August 2020. Two hundred and one individuals (mean age 44 (standard deviation 11.0) years) completed assessments after SARS-CoV-2 infection a median of 140 days after initial symptoms.

Participants were eligible if they tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 by random polymerase chain reaction swab (n=62), a positive antibody test (n=63), or had typical symptoms and were determined to have covid-19 by two independent clinicians (n=73).

The prevalence of pre-existing conditions was low (obesity: 20%, hypertension: 6%, diabetes: 2%, heart disease: 4%), and less than a fifth (18%) of individuals had been hospitalised with covid-19.

The most commonly reported ongoing symptoms—regardless of hospitalisation status—were fatigue (98%), muscle ache (88%), shortness of breath (87%), and headache (83%). There was evidence of mild organ impairment in the heart (32% of patients), lungs (33%), kidneys (12%), liver (10%), pancreas (17%), and spleen (6%).

Two thirds (66%) of participants had impairment in one or more organ systems and there was evidence of multiorgan impairment in a quarter (25%) of individuals, with varying degrees of overlap across multiple organs.

Multiorgan impairment was significantly associated with risk of prior covid-19 hospitalisation (P<0.05). Measures of inflammation in the kidneys and pancreas, and ectopic fat in the pancreas and liver, were also higher in hospitalised individuals (P<0.05).

I’m sure you know this, but just in case… Alcohol can raise your RHR. Mine is usually 63-73, the day after I drink more than two drinks it can be 80-95. It’ll be 90-105 while currently drinking. Also exercise before or after drinking seems to mitigate some of this - presumably by burning it off.

Like if I’m traveling and thus walk around after drinking, it will be less significant.


Covid-19 could be causing lung abnormalities still detectable more than three months after patients are infected, researchers suggest.

A study of 10 patients at Oxford University used a novel scanning technique to identify damage not picked up by conventional scans.

It uses a gas called xenon during MRI scans to create images of lung damage.

Lung experts said a test that could spot long-term damage would make a huge difference to Covid patients.

The xenon technique sees patients inhale the gas during a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan.

Prof Fergus Gleeson, who is leading the work, tried out his scanning technique on 10 patients aged between 19 and 69.

Eight of them had persistent shortness of breath and tiredness three months after being ill with coronavirus, even though none of them had been admitted to intensive care or required ventilation, and conventional scans had found no problems in their lungs.

Well this is a great fucking news day:

Covid mutation in minks transferring to humans
Long hauler symptoms
Witchita probably dying

If that Covid mutation is real and can’t get under control. JFC.

Also, Trump still president.


It’s gonna ‘disappear’ in Spring…

“The first vaccine shipment will happen on the day after the vaccine is approved.”

Once FDA approval has been granted in the US, the vaccine is expected to be made available first to the country’s million healthcare workers and three million elderly people living in long-term care homes. It is up to states to decide which groups should be prioritised next.

Moncef Slaoui said he hoped the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) could give the go-ahead to a vaccine when it meets this week.

But for life to get back to normal by spring (LOL, Spring 202x), Americans still needed to follow safety measures, he added.

Fuck, man. Keep measuring it. Looking for some better numbers from you.


So, big political donors will go first I assume?

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Isn’t your wife a nurse? Can she procure a legit oximeter for you?

Best wishes. You’re a treasure and we’d hate for you to be in ill health and suffering.

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You saying Witchita should be doing ten air squats for every shot of tequila?

Keep safe @WichitaDM & good luck with the withdrawals, I seen my dad go through alcohol withdrawal & he ate sugar products to help with the lack of alcohol & was advised of this when he 1st stopped.

@CaffeineNeeded is sugar good for you when going through alcohol withdrawals?

40,000 at the top end of the range.

But in any case most sub-Saharan countries have only reported ~1,000 deaths.

Humidity is a big thing in those parts of Africa.

How reliable are the reported numbers? This works out to 4 deaths /mio population while most countries have 200-1000.

I’m sure she could but they aren’t that expensive so just buying one rather than taking one from the hospital seems better.

Thanks for illustrating my point about bad science nicely.

To be clear, a 10 person study with a novel technique ain’t great. Neither is what at first glance appears to be survey and shows that people are super sick are the ones with more lasting symptoms.

I remain deeply skeptical of the people who had a mild case of covid having significant symptoms for months on end

Lol ime only alcohol fixes alcohol withdrawal

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Yeah, don’t you guys have cold beers on standby in the ER for those situations?


I wonder if ER alcohol costs more than bar alcohol, I’m guessing it must

Not that much more, but the server fees…

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About $2,500 a bag most likely.