COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

US got more dead teachers than >50yr olds? (Nowhere else has)

More dead nurses than assisted living folks and people 80+?

I’m pregnant - should I be vaccinated?

For precautionary reasons, and because the vaccine was not tested on pregnant women during the trials, the official advice is that you should wait until after the birth of your baby.

There is no suggestion the advice is because of any safety concerns with the vaccine.

Pregnant women are likely to be low down the list of priority groups anyway because of their age, and may only be offered a vaccine in the second phase in 2021.

I’m 36, healthy, but work in an essential industry.

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Please keep in mind that how it actually works is they will vax 20-30m and then open it up to anyone.

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Me too!

Based on your risk profile, we believe you’re in line behind 268.7 million people across the United States.

When it comes to California, we think you’re behind 31.0 million others who are at higher risk in your state.

And in Los Angeles County, you’re behind 7.9 million others.

Yeah, I’m guessing it’ll be something crude like waiting lists of varying lengths through different avenues of getting the vaccine, and it basically coming down to how assertive you are, how privileged you are, and how much you want the vaccine.

Yeah lol at those charts. It’s like, first few doses symbolically to some olds and doctors or something, and then rich people.

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They’re non-US charts. In our country there is no black market for the vaccine so money doesn’t count. Our rich would have to go abroad if they wanted it sooner (Eastern Europe or US usually).

Employment, other than asissted living or hospital / care work doesn’t buy you any favors in the UK as it’s the olds that are dying - makes sense to me - save Grandma before the 40yr old bus driver

there will be significant pressure to cover the vaccines for everyone. rich will just pay to be first in line.

Biden has already said it will be free for everyone.

Recent Gallop poll showed only 58% of Amercian’s up for the vaccine - so maybe you’re at ~50 millionth in line

congress controls the purse-strings

In the US the vaccine’s free but you have to pay for it to be administered, apparently


268.7M for me so I’ll be waving to you while you are still waiting

We’re tied. Wonder if I need some sort of doctor’s note? Maybe I should get on that?

Congrats on being young and healthy, I presume.

No but a lot of the dead > 50 year olds are contracting the virus at bars and shit. We’re forcing teachers to work in person and thus have a moral responsibility to put them near the front of the line.

Cool we’ll be line buddies. I’ll bring a deck of cards.

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Why is one of the questions not “Have you had covid-19 previously” or something like that?


Because USA #194 is a country full of morons ran by morons.


played around with age. 268.7m for 64yo with good health, and 118.5m for 65yo with good health. /shrug

if you have covid-related health risks, it drops you to 23m, regardless of age. so i’m guessing asthma, diabetes, and kidney disorders are prioritized.

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I’m in the 270 millions but I should be last in line theoretically.

Very noble of you but with covid immunity maybe lasting 6 months and you maybe having to wait 6 months for a vaccine due to age / employment / other variables…

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