COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Rand trying to say NYC is only doing well now because they hit herd immunity, not because of following health safety policies, JFC


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Who was it that was saying getting the flu might make you more resistant to Rona? Time to load up on viruses. The Montey Protocol.

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I don’t know much about 222 nm light in particular, but I’d be very skeptical that a shorter wavelength is somehow safer for people.

And also the distribution. Rich schools getting richer while poor schools get poorer ain’t winning.

The theory is that it all gets absorbed by the top layer of dead skin cells. I don’t think it trust using one myself.

Looking over vacation requests for work, I’m realizing how Thanksgiving and Christmas travelers are absolutely going to fuck up parts of the country that have this somewhat under control, not to mention kids coming back from college.

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Our college kids doubled our counties numbers for the whole thing in a month…Not sure what people expected though. They are trying online only for a few weeks to cut the numbers.

I just got my flu shot at my local Walgreen’s. It cost me $0 but they already had my insurance on file because I get my prescriptions there. I think it’s $25 without insurance. I was in and out in 15 minutes. I feel invincible!


Some dude on chiefsplanet who’s been pretty active in the covid thread just lost 3 elderly relatives in a week. I think his family is in the in rural midwest somewhere but I don’t want to ask.

At least it’s shut up the 6% covid hoax people for a while.

That also works if the fuzzies are Trump scandals


I think this is basically confirming some earlier analysis, but a new study shows the G mutation seems to be a “winning” variant because the spike makes it more efficient.

Scientists in Houston on Wednesday released a study of more than 5,000 genetic sequences of the coronavirus, which reveals the virus’s continual accumulation of mutations, one of which may have made it more contagious.

That mutation is associated with a higher viral load among patients upon initial diagnosis, the researchers found.

Yeah the eye thing bothers me. For me putting UV inside a ventilation system makes sense if you keep particles big enough to cause illness trapped inside long enough.

We guessed that itt.




I am starting to have a little sympathy for these people’s lose-lose situation, Trump being the biggest liar and scumbag of all time is already fully baked in at this point. Vote just comes down to whether you stick w/ him because he is YOUR scumbag, similar to how Al Capone had a lot of fans.

So you quit/get yourself forced out, the remaining WH house lines up to slander you, a Q nut job replaces you, and ~nobody gives a fuck.

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The fact that so many others have chosen to take the door strongly suggests to me that the people who left were right. This administrations starting players were a lot better than the replacements they grabbed off the street. They’ve gotten to a point that they are such a toxic employer that nobody with a future is willing to work for them, and the dead enders who will are asking for real financial rewards and getting them. They’ve gotten to the point where they have to bribe people with a market value of ~0 for any serious task to save the country from COVID. Nobody wants the job because it’s not close to winnable. It’s volunteering to get blamed for this.