COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Who knows? He might have already had it. I remember there being a really long time where he didn’t make any public appearances at all.

Feels like forever and a day ago.

A handful of politicians in the Czech Republic have had it though the party leaders and president have avoided it so far.

My experience in a college town. Everyone wants to demonize college kids for not taking this seriously and being the cause of outbreaks. I call bullshit. The college kids aren’t perfect but they’re still taking this more seriously than the majority of the public by simply following the guidelines somewhat. Most places I go in public at this point, I’m the only person or one of only a small number wearing a mask and practicing distancing unless it’s a place that requires masks. We lost, 60% of the population doesn’t care anymore unless they or a loved one die. Even then they might not care. We are hopeless as a country.

Even if Dems win the trifecta in the election they are going to be facing widespread outrage and disobedience to any actions they take to try to control the virus. Plus dealing with RWNJ judges trying to declare their orders unconstitutional. If a successful vaccine actually comes out, we won’t have enough people willing to take it.


Gut wrenching article on Indy’s food scene (applies to the whole US). Can’t help but feel absolutely livid for these guys on the government response. This winter is going to get ugly.

Brutal. I think a lot of us called Trump’s handling of this the worst of both worlds back in April when we went on his crusade to OPEN FOR BUSINESS. It is crazy to think how much better off we would have been if we would have locked down slightly longer and provided more government assistance.

Instead we have the worlds highest death toll and a collapsing economy. We also likely haven’t faced the worst of this. Winter is going to be brutal. Reduced outdoor activities, holiday get togethers, election chaos. It is going to be the worst part of this whole ordeal and the general population has no idea it is coming.


You literally haven’t been inside anywhere except your parent’s house since March?

JFC, at least the end didn’t say “I’m still voting for trump though”.

Just unreal that the GOP has any sort of chance in the senate or presidency after this clusterfuck, all he has to do is run out the clock and win the election and the whole fucking country can fall apart in Dec from covid and it won’t fucking matter. as others have said here, with respect to social security and ACA and other things, not to mention the economic fallout, alot of faces are going to get eaten and who knows what happens after that.

Just unreal that if you asked a random person on the street they are fairly likely to say the pandemic was handled fine by trump and the real problem was dems shutting down and trump/gop did all they could for small businesses etc but dems tried to fuck them with shutdowns, just just man i dunno, its depressing

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We live in a country that has been hollowing out it’s public education system, mostly on purpose, for the last 50 years or so. It shows.


Guess I’m feeling particularly contrarian this morning. (spending per student in the US)


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Show me the administrators’ slice of the pie.




Ok now graph math and science aptitude over the last 60 years.


I taught Econ classes at a 4 year uni from 2008-2010. I would estimate the number of people who could successfully solve, when they showed up to my class, for x in a very simple equation such as 3x +2 = 14 to be less than 25%. Those were people who finished high school and were in college. Those kids are now in their 30s.


I was about to type something about how you were definitely overstating things based on my experience of college econ was nothing like that… then I remembered that I took a 200 level micro class for majors instead of 101. I don’t think me being in a 101 class would have been a good idea.

Fauci just dunked on Rand Paul.

He is clearly extremely pissed and seems pretty close to losing it.

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He needs to. Start calling these fucking morons fucking morons. (Can swap in idiot if fucking moron offends his sensibilities)

There was a ceremony to welcome first-year students at my school just about an hour ago.

I’d estimate that there was around 30% mask compliance. At the beginning of the ceremony, the principal reminded everybody in the crowd to keep their mask on as it is compulsory to have one on at an outdoor event with more than 100 people (this one was probably slightly above 100). Some complied while others did not. Even those that did took their mask off shortly afterwards. I masked up and kept my distance from everybody.

Compliance in more obvious situations (stores, inside schools, public transport etc) is nearly 100% but situations that rely on attendance can be iffy propositions. I mean what does 100 people look like? It’s very possible that there were fewer than 100 people there and that wearing mask wasn’t compulsory. Unless the people were counted, then it’s a close call at a glance.


UC system now requiring flu shots for employees. Muh rights!

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Healthcare professionals say hi :slight_smile:

Quiet you, go get your mandatory shot and deal with the autism.

Big study on the future of COVID in Science this week. tl;dr, it could go away or it could be endemic for a while.

Depending on how these unfold, the model predictions for future clinical burdens range from sustained epidemics to near case elimination. Consequently, accurately characterizing the individual immune life histories and the cumulative immune landscape of the population to SARS-CoV-2 primary and secondary infection and vaccination will be critical for the management and control of the ongoing pandemic.