COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Really hoping Indianapolis applies stricter restrictions as they have done in the past. At least the mask mandate is still there.

4% positive rate in IN. Yeah. OFDeath.

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Sorry to hear that, I’m a day behind so maybe I’ll find out in a second. Did you get tested? Negative hopefully?

He was at my table in an event and his wife brought him his dinner about 15 minutes before the dinner break. The floors let him stay at the table during the break and eat. Like, WTF? I took a picture of my stack.

Also, I don’t like to make a lot of fat jokes and I’m not a beacon of fitness, but holy shit watching him start to eat. He had like two separate full entrees.

It’ll lower R0 but it won’t save you if the person next to you actively has it. But think about spaces with turnover: public transit, restaurants, etc. The people who were there 8 mins before you can’t get you… As opposed to droplets staying airborne for 15 mins and aerosols even longer.

Hypothetically, if we did a complete global lockdown with only grocery and medical trips (with masks) for one year, could we eradicate the flu? Obviously in reality we couldn’t accomplish that.


Couples who don’t live together can now meet up for sex after changes to the coronavirus restrictions in England - but casual sex is still banned.

"Your best sexual partner during the COVID-19 pandemic is yourself or someone within your household and you should follow the Government guidelines about social distancing, hand washing and face coverings.

@curserounder Masturbation, sex toys or having phone or online sex are recommended as the safest options.

“If you are going to touch each other’s genitals it’s likely that you will potentially be kissing at the same time - and we know the virus is passed through saliva,” Dr Alex George told Radio 1 Newsbeat in March.


Gloryholes still GOAT, I assume? TIA.

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Why am I being atted?

Julia Roberts had the right idea. Just don’t kiss.

If we send a clip of this to the Duke University School of Medicine, do you think they’ll revoke his MD?

didnt realize he was a doctor tbh, couldn’t remember if that was just Ron or not, ffs

I wasn’t exposed to anyone, so no tests for me.

The friend has tested positive, but everyone he came into (very distanced) contact with has tested negative. The entire operation of his employer in Atlanta is now closed due to COVID (!).

As if I needed another reason not to visit Indiana.

Can’t wait to see the push to have full crowds at Colts games.

Well, I don’t even know what this is so I must be really bad at it.

I think Rand is a money grabbing eye surgeon.

Renodoc LOVED Rand Paul

Also Rand Paul was unable to get into actual medical school

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It has non human reservoirs. It readily jumps from pigs and chickens to people.


Gotta love those chief executive nominees. Seems to be a certain someone still missing with this lift.


I trust random facebook memes to get all my covid info.