COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

EROD has always had heart issues.

lol no shit dude. You missed the obvious joke Joepa covered up kiddie rape ffs

Buffalo Bills tight end Tommy Sweeney out for season with myocarditis.

E Rod. He was cleared to start walking on a treadmill in late September. Haven’t heard anything since.

He used to have heart issues he could play baseball with. Now he doesn’t.

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Does anyone else here have kids that have been out of school/activities since covid started? How is it going?

Well my idiotic cousin, a nurse no less, visited my grandparents, who are absolutely peak high risk, on Thanksgiving despite knowing a Dr. she works with and shares break room with unmasked was symptomatic. Dr has since tested positive.

My mom also visited my grandparents and separately had one of my sister’s (who works in a hospital pharmacy) and her kids over for Thanksgiving dinner. My mom now says she has a cough.



The Chick-Fil-A closest to me opened the dining room and removed curbside on the same day.

Seems standard here for non chain restaurants to ignore the indoor dining ban.

He expects to return next year.

“I’m 100 percent and I can start doing everything,” he said. “I feel fine. I feel great.”


Omg this thread. Accusing hospital of either lying or giving it to them because they get more money for Covid cases. I wonder what MORON gave them that idea.

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I met David Shaw briefly and he seemed very polite and down to earth.

I had a drunken conversation on a yacht with Dana Holgorsen that was hilarious, but him loving booze is public knowledge.

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18 residents and 6 staff positive now and 1 death. :worried:


I’m re-watching Contagion, I’m curious how it stacks up now versus when I watched it near the beginning of the pandemic. I also want to think through possible scenarios to prepare for in the next couple months as this thing gets to a whole new level of bad.

About 18 minutes in, after hearing the cases and deaths numbers, “It’s a weekend. These numbers might be low. People are staying home for a couple days, see if they get better.”

Nailed it.

Woman from the governors office, “We tried that (warning people) with swine flu, and all we did was get healthy people scared. It’s the biggest shopping weekend of the year.”

Guy chimes in, “I think we need to consider closing the schools down.”

Anti-shutdown lady, “And who stays home with the kids?”

Nailed it.

Someone already mentioned a few weeks ago the part where it affected the brain seemed like sci-fi when the movie was released, but in hindsight… Maybe pretty realistic.

I’ll update any other notes that strike me a little differently from my March viewing.


The hedge fund guy talking to Jude Law about what the conspiracy theory will be so they can invest in the conspiracy theory lol… He’s like @wheatrich on @predictit.

It’s getting closer.

My wife’s religious nut job uncle by marriage is pozzed. Sat dropped to 90 but won’t go in to the hospital. Worked as a respiratory therapist. Mid 60s. Had a heart attack a couple of years back. Should at least be on Dex imo opinion. Maybe O2. He should know better. But he also knows his wife made her mother live an extra six weeks when all the old lady wanted to do is die peacefully.

Apparently one of the granddaughters (under 10 years) was poz and now that part of the family is talking about how she gave it to him. They are going to fuck that kid up mentally. Of course they were doing that anyways. True know nothings. At the family matriarchs funeral this year in Buffalo the guys wife pantomimed shooting Gov Cuomo over the shutdowns. Nice Christians beliefs, eh?

I think he is 50/50 to make it out ok. Of the bad outcome side I’d say 50/50 near term death, otherwise some kind of significant deficit for a shortened life span.

These are face shield vs face mask kind of people at the funeral when we saw them. I suspect probably not very good with masks. He is pastor at their church which i think is just them and some friends at their house. Coo-Koo for Cocoa Puffs.

Close friend of my father-in-law got pozzed by a family member when all we’re supposed to be quarantining to bubble together. Sounds like the offender pozzed a whole slew of relatives. Another person around 70.

Thankfully immediate family have been much more careful. But the idiots are going to take us all out eventually.

Also we don’t live near anyone. At least we don’t have those worries.


The regular season doesn’t really matter, so positive cases aren’t a real huge deal. Lebron might sit out the first month to just rest