COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

They completely nailed the Jude Law character. They just missed that Jude Law would be POTUS.


Well my 78 year old dad was diagnosed with Covid today. He’s been sick for a week or so and kept telling me it was just a cold. I told him he shouldn’t go anywhere or anything, just in case. He’s been going to restaurants etc. Two nights ago he went with friends and played cards and had supper even though he wasn’t feeling well. Today he can’t stand without feeling like he’ll fall over. Oxygen level at 90. And he doesn’t remember what the doctor told him about the medicines so he’s going back tomorrow. He won’t listen to me. SMH
Hope he’ll be okay. And I hope everyone he’s been in contact with will be okay as well. He’s a nine hour round trip from me so there’s not much I can do in terms of dropping off groceries or medicine. He doesn’t have any family near him. ****.

The only good thing is I won’t have to hear, “I’m 99.9% sure I had it back in November so I don’t think I can catch it.” Even if it was in the US then it wasn’t in the freaking rural Midwest. SMH. I kept trying to tell him.

Chiefsplanet update


Minnesota guy, “My wife makes me take off my clothes in the garage, then she leaves out a bucket of warm water with some soap, and then she douses everything in hand sanitizer after I leave. I mean, she’s overreacting, right?”

CDC lady, “Not really. And stop touching your face, Dave.”

Then she sets up the field hospital in an arena and the governor’s aide gets all pissed about who’s budget this is coming out of. Nailed it, assuming they’re picturing a Republican governor.

Guy without a mask in a line in store has a coughing fit.

Woman: “Would you cover your mouth please?”

Guy: “Fuck off, lady!”

Nailed it.


We ran out of body bags, but Canada had excess. So I guess the movie predicted Canada handling it well and us fucking it up.

Nailed it again.

Yeah Forsythia = hydroxychloroquine.


Lol at that guy. Rest in peace you old piece of shit


TBF - a script about a pandemic with a POTUS like Trump would have gotten laughed out of any studio.


Everyone in America is almost certain that they already had it. Definitely not wishful thinking.

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Not sure if this makes me a bad person, but I lol’d.


Matt Damon trying to break quarantine yelling at the National Guard at the checkpoint that he’s already had it (lie) and that his daughter isn’t sick.

And he’s the good guy.

Nailed it lol…

On the other hand widespread government imposed shutdowns and quarantines, MREs being distributed by the National Guard. Swing and a miss!

“Due to a high call volume to 9-1-1 please press 1…” Etc

Half credit. That’s going to happen, but only because it’s Joe Biden’s America soon.


An explanation for worse in colder months.

The droplets don’t evaporate as quickly in cold humid climates.

Well the latest numbers from San Diego are pretty alarming. I think Los Angeles County’s latest restrictions of shutting down dine in restaurants among other things kicked in at 4500 cases over a 5 day average and they have about 3x the population of San Diego county.

Actually, he claims that he is immune, not that he already had it. IIRC, he was in close proximity to the Gweneth Palrow character, so it’s very reasonable that he thinks that he is immune.

Many months ago, I got my mom to watch Contagion and to tell me what she thought of it. She loved it but one of the extremely, extremely nitty criticisms she had was that the Matt Damon character might be resistant to the disease and not immune. Apparently being immune and being resistant to a disease are different things for reasons that I only maybe kind of understand.


This is so infuriating.

He says both. “I’m immune, I’ve already had it.”

Yeah, it’s reasonable for him to think that but the movie never says how frequent household transmission is and he was only around her for maybe 12-16 hours.

Yeah I mean he could have been lucky, asymptomatic/resistant or immune.

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They basically skipped clinical trials. It worked for a monkey and the woman who injected herself and bam it’s in widespread distribution.

Also the CDC director giving the kid his vaccine AND wearing the wrist band himself is pretty bad. Way worse than alerting his girlfriend to get out of Chicago.

His son also dies. He’s inches away from her face when she starts foaming at the mouth or whatever. Sort of reasonable for him as a layperson to assume he’s been exposed and hasn’t come down with the disease.

I’m actually interested in this. Can she give an example of some other human disease where some people are immune and others are resistant? Also in those cases, how are the outcomes different when they are exposed to the pathogen?

Agreed, but he still lies by saying he already had it.

It seems like the movie also missed on the vaccine rollout being random instead of based on risk levels. Also, the dude hawking a fake cure went down for it, that’s obviously pie in the sky in real life lol

The main takeaway from Contagion isn’t that the writers were uncannily prescient, it’s that humans are very stupid and predictable.


I’ll ask my mom about this tomorrow, I am way out of my depth here. As I understand it, being immune implies that your adaptive immune system has a response that’s tailored to the disease whereas being resistant implies that your non-adaptive defense mechanisms have non-specific ways of shutting it down. Also I think there is the concept of disease tolerance, where your body is able to repair the damage such that it’s not a big deal. I could very well be totally wrong about all of the jargon here.

The Matt Damon character was exposed to a heavy viral load and didn’t seem to suffer any symptoms at all, it seems to me that he is either resistant or tolerant but not actually immune. Again, I’m probably wrong about the terminology here.

When we study infections, we often consider the body’s defence strategy as involving mechanisms that directly attack the pathogen to block invasion or eliminate the invading microorganism; however, our bodies can also defend themselves by limiting the damage caused by the infection. Resistance is defined as the ability to limit pathogen burden while tolerance is defined as the ability to limit the health impact caused by a given pathogen burden. The sum of these two mechanisms defines a host’s defensive capacity.

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