COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

You’re supposed to bend the metal piece to fit your nose.

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Yeah, I do that. It’s not tight enough though. And the bands are each side and just behind the ear instead of back of head. How do I tighten?

Twist the bands so the bottom strap goes above your ear. However, the metal piece or the correct size mask are more important.

There is no bottom strap. Am I speaking English?

They have some legit NIOSH N95s with bottom and top headbands here:

Ok, twist the elastic strap into this shape :reminder_ribbon: then hook the loop over your ear.

If it doesn’t seal it doesn’t seal. There are a few brands on N95 that don’t fit me correctly. Not much to do except find another brand.

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Tried that. Still foggy glasses. Unless I triple it up so my ears are turning purple it doesn’t seal.

Then do what @Will1530 said.

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I don’t have a big head (7 1/4 hat size) so I think those KN95 masks will cause the same issue for others. That’s why I asked and brought it up. I’m luckily fortunate enough to have not gone out really for the last 8 months. That sounds opposite but yup.

Also even properly sealed n95s fog up safety glasses on me. Breathing out puts some positive pressure inside the mask allowing your breath to leak out around the edges.


8 months. Fuck.


I’ll be honest I don’t know how you all isolated yourselves for so long. I had 2 weeks in quarantine due to a work exposure and was going batshit crazy by the end. Serious props to you guys who have taken this seriously.


To the extent I was isolated more than usual, though not totally isolated, it’s because amy income streams have been 95% shut down since March. Don’t have the ability to fill the extra time with other people because I don’t have friends.

I hope @prana is leaving the house regularly even if he’s not around other people. I know he’s not the only one, but your risk tolerance should be high enough to go to a park or get takeout food.

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Yup. Walking dog twice a day and when I fill in for my employees I’m walking almost 10 miles a day. Plus fishing and pheasant hunting. But, nothing other than Costco and liquor stores for public exposure. Everything else is delivered.

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foggy glasses doesn’t mean you don’t have a seal that’s good enough. The condensation can be caused by temp change. Water molecules are a lot smaller than droplets, etc.

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It doesn’t really feel sealed like a suction to your face like other things I remember. Like sucking in a top of a 2 liter bottle and it sticks to your face. If I was out more in public I’d definitely order different masks. I have the p100 masks Johnny Truant talks about too if I’m really concerned, which I probably should be.

Today in stupid boomer parents news…

My parents decided they aren’t going to the game / tailgate tomorrow! However, between taking their rapid test today (4 days from exposure) and their PCR test, they stopped AT A FUCKING MCCALLISTERS TO EAT LUNCH INSIDE. They also got their rapid test done at the EMERGENCY ROOM.

Luckily, my partner was the one that talked to my mom tonight. I would have had a fucking coronary over the phone.

Rapid test negative ldo