COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Is that because you’re not giving up on receiving the best Christmas present ever?

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She thinks “Jamaica” is the resorts she’s been to in Jamaica, doesn’t she?


I hearted, not because I like the things that happened but because it’s some truth about the shit that’s happening, and how many otherwise normal & reasonable people think about those things that are happening.

That’s the crazy thing. My mom is super progressive for a boomer; lifelong union member Democrat. Lesbian sister. Biggest heart of anyone you’d ever meet. But “we’re not gonna live our lives scared,” etc etc.

I even told her that when I left. Mentioned how my father (voted Trump 2016) and her raised us pretty liberal with an emphasis on education, and now they’re ignoring scientists and doctors and doing whatever they want. Just baffling. Hopefully our family friend doesn’t die. He’s early 60s with some health stuff.


It’s tough being a leftie in Oklahoma. I imagine it is way tougher for a 60+ year old.


My dumbass boss was sick over the weekend. Came to work on Monday into the office and went home later that morning because he was feeling worse. Naturally he was confirmed pozzed a couple days later. Nobody wears masks there. He had just sent an email to the branch employees telling them not to come to work sick.


These posts make me think I’m going to lose my damn mind in about 5 years when I turn 60.

F all of you. I haven’t lost it yet.


Yep 100%.

Single payer remains a far off pipe dream, $15/hr is not on the horizon, income inequality is not being solved anytime soon, and like 40% of the country that would almost universally benefit from all of those policies goes stark raving mad at any proposal to fix them cause SOCIALISM!

Man, I thought everyone was already getting $15/hour. I guess that is just Walmart/Target? Wtf.

Where I live, it really doesn’t seem like more than 10% are taking this even slightly serious. I do drive up picks ups and probably 95% of the other cars roll down their window or get out of their vehicle to supervise loading the trunk without a mask and then have a nice chat without a mask.

Drive up pick ups are apparently all about not having to wear a mask to go inside the store.

Everyone understands that only 1 in a 1000 non elderly die so why should they care when they are going to get it anyways? Plus, they are 99% sure they already got it earlier this year. Plus, they are really healthy.

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Holy hell

Of course not. But does the average American think you’re overreacting? Absofuckinglutely.


I have gotten about 10 deliveries from Home Depot, Lowes and Best Buy since this started and none wore a mask.

Lemon has a air indoor quality expert named Joe Allen of Harvard author of “Healthy Buildings”

Houses typical have 0.5 air exchanges per hour. The room he is alone is 1800 ppm CO2 (ambient is ~400). What he calls a well ventilated would be <800. Schools are supposed to target 4-6 turnovers per hour.

So happy fucking thanksgiving. 20 people crammed into a 400 sq foot space (20x20 space?).

Even cracking a window a couple of inches is huge he says.

But still Xmas is going to be a huge game of who killed Mom.

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Jesus. Perfect timing to cause secondary infections over the Thanksgiving weekend. His irresponsibility could very easily end up killing someone. Unreal.


All my exhaustive airflow modeling from back in March was pretty unambiguous that the riskiest thing you can do is have a get together in a private house. The only worse thing was a concert iirc, and it’s significantly worse than restaurant dining, even with just a small group.

ETA, here it is:

The assessment of risk is the “personal exposure” column. I rate a house party as equal risk to being in a crowded but well-ventilated bar.


Do you adjust for community prevalence or if a particular gathering may be a sample of people that take more risk?

He is reportedly getting hammered by it already as of yesterday, and he has health issues of his own and is something like mid-50s. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was contagious last week. The other guy in the office most likely to have significant contact with him is a lifelong smoker about the same age. The boss isn’t a hoaxer (though they’re all deplorables) but everyone else there is and he didn’t impose any safety precautions at the branch for the people who regularly work inside.

I decided in July when the boss asked me to come back that I couldn’t deal with the people there so I took my vacation and at the end of it asked him to please allow me to keep working from home. I was going to quit if he said no, and this is why. These people cannot be trusted.


Hopefully they don’t get anything more than a mild case and a good scare. I don’t like the math though. Seems like enough people with enough age and comorbidities to be worried.