COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I should have worded it better. He knew on Sunday he tested positive. He didn’t tell anyone at work until today that he had it. My buddy texted and told me immediately as soon as he found out.


Yea my MAGA cousin has been saying on Facebook she plans to move to Jamaica if Biden steals the election. Ya OK you dope. Sure you are.



Probably hasn’t set one foot outside the resort.

Of course not lol.

If Biden wins I’m moving to Sandals for good!


Mayor of Denver:

Guess what this assclown did less than an hour after posting this tweet?

If you answered “Board a flight to Houston to visit his daughter for Thanksgiving”, you win!


Oh ok. Still pretty bad but not quite as bad. Hopefully you didn’t catch it and can maintain a quarantine.

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The really fucked up part is they work for the TN welcoming center on the highway. Who knows how many travelers were exposed.

Oh for fuck’s sake.

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if only there was a country you could move to that would have all maga values without any threat of opposite team presidential victory but that would be russian to judgement


But how are the Pina Coladas?

well, maybe they prefer a big turkey feast instead

I mentioned upthread that my mom has been badgering us to come to Thanksgiving, and we have been firm that we are staying home. Well, my birthday was yesterday and she insisted I have lunch with her. I said I would only do takeout at their house on their nice patio. I show up and it’s like 55 and overcast and she says “let’s eat inside and socially distance”. Whatever. I’m her firstborn and I know my birthday is a bigger deal to her. I’m inside for 30 minutes ~ 10 feet away from her.

She goes on about this terrible random shooting that ended up in another teacher’s son being murdered. Awful story. But I asked her why she was so upset about this one person but refused to stop eating at restaurants , stop tailgating and going to college football games, insisting on in person thanksgiving, etc. I got pretty frustrated and left, telling her the reason we can’t come to thanksgiving is their inability to take this situation as seriously as we are.

That was Tuesday. Today my mom called to tell me our close family friend, who was at my parents house Monday for half an hour, has tested positive. Fucking wonderful.



Yeah but Moscow is more expensive than NYC

My friend that said he lost his sense of taste was negative so he might just be an idiot


Good luck, hope the distancing was enough. Are you getting tested?

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Yea as are my parents. After the appropriate number of days from exposure.

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Yeah, like Sunday/Monday if you were exposed on Monday

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Not gonna lie - I’m hoping this tweet doesn’t age well for Ted.