COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I’m convinced that anyone who isn’t deeply skeptical of standardized testing is someone who tests well and is using that to keep the imposter syndrome at bay.

I mean I have a bunch of friends who are unskilled laborers who are absolutely smarter than these people. They grew up poor, went to shit schools, couldn’t afford college, and honestly didn’t have a lot of opportunities. They chose to enjoy their early 20s over working hard to gain wealth.

Still way smarter than these dipshits and I’m sure would have been just as successful given the same opportunities or drilled into them at young ages that they needed to be wealthy to be successful.

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We have 14 people off at work right now because they’ve tested positive, they’re being tested or have a pozzed household member.


You cannot let the virus dominate you. You have to refuse. You have to live your life die your death. They can never take that away!


Standardized testing is clearly totally fine, and if you disagree we should compare percentiles! Whoever scored highest is right, and this proves that it is not at all designed to entrench power or privilege!

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My friend’s sister here in PA is being deployed to the COVID unit. She’s a doctor, but she’s in urgent care for sports medicine.

Not a great sign for where we’re at with staffing.

According to chiefsplanet - some Missouri hospitals are sending people out of state.

I’m surprised other states are taking them, given what’s coming.

Not a great sign, but as long as it’s a basic floor it’s reasonable. Had mini-rand Paul’s (eye docs) running stuff for awhile and they did great


I know she was a COVID denier in the beginning, but changed her views a few months ago and pretended she was never a hoaxer.

I’m sure they’ll try to keep the doctors from other fields doing basic stuff and they’ll do as good of a job as possible, but it tells me we’re reaching capacity in terms of ability to provide care.

Statewide alert sent to phones in the Commonwealth.

Capacity will remain nursing before anything else. If you tell me that I only have covid patients who are moderately ill, I can take care of 40 at a time pretty easily if I have 10 good nurses and 4 techs.

I suppose it’s possible they’re using the docs they’re bringing in from other fields for stuff nurses would normally do, I dunno.

My roommate is in quarantine. Apparently his co worker got pozzed last week. Oh and he knew on Sunday and didn’t tell anyone until this afternoon. These fucking people man. So now I gotta worry about getting sick.


This will rustle Americans but then again the MAGAites are never travelling internationally.

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What the fuck? How can someone wait three fucking days to tell their roommate?

They will never the less find this to be an unacceptable outrage and express a desire to nuke Australia, despite never wanting to actually visit.

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It reminds me of when I met a bunch of americans on exchange in Paris and they were shocked that there was a northern and southern hemisphere and that it was warm around christmas here. They thought Australia was near Europe and didn’t even understand that seasons were different around the planet! These were college juniors …

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MAGAs like to go shitty all-inclusive resorts at places like Cabo and Cancun. Not sure if Mexico will hold firm and risk the tourist $$.

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