COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Non-personal post:

Looking at the data, I think the CFR seems to be pretty stable, but it very much depends on what you think the appropriate lag is. Here’s estimated CFR based on lags ranging from 14 to 35 days:

I happen to belief (based on nothing more than my gut) that the 21-day lag is the best approximation, partially because that one’s most stable over the last several months. If you focus on the longer lags (28 or 35 days), it looks like CFRs are recently increasing. But I think that’s a consequence of an overly-long lag that results in (relatively high) recent deaths compared to a much lower base of cases.

So I continue to think that somewhere around 1.6%-1.8% is the right number for a CFR. (I agree with an earlier post that CFRs could increase if we get major hospital overruns.)

Combining the CFR with recent cases gives an obvious conclusion: Deaths are going to continue increasing. I think I’m a little more optimistic than some here, but it’s still very bad. I think we’re going to hit 2,500 7-day average deaths before Christmas. I appreciate that Thanksgiving travel and get togethers will bump up cases, but I’m optimistic(?) that the people who will be traveling and congregating are the same people who have been YOLOing it the last few months.

The interpretation of this graph is that you pick a date and the lines are giving a high and low estimate for what 7-day average deaths will be as of 21 days from that date. So the final point on that graph is saying that as of 11/24, the predicted 7-day average deaths as of about 12/15 will be between 2,500-3,500. If I were making fearless bets, I would take the under on 3,500 7-day average deaths for the rest of 2020. I think that makes me an optimist here.

[If anyone cares, here’s what I’m doing to generate these estimates: Calculating the estimated 21-day lag CFR for each state, every day. For each day, I then take the lowest and highest calculated CFR for that state over the last 7 days, to get a min and max estimated CFR by state, by day. I multiply those min and max CFRs by the state’s 7-day average cases for estimated deaths by state and sum those up.

I also do this on a national level in the same way: aggregate new cases multiplied by high and low estimated CFRs over the last 7 days. That method gives a tighter band between high and low, but roughly the same midpoint, which is what you’d expect.]


That’s about paper? I thought they sold mufflers or muffins or mittens

In making your decision to rejoin your family, I would keep in mind that the PCR false negative for testing 4 days after exposure is about 70%.

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Absolutely true. My family and I know that there’s some risk of:

  • false negative
  • recent exposure that hasn’t had time to show up in tests

I could continue quarantining for another 10 days, and then get another test. But given I have had no known exposure to any positive individuals and no symptoms, a negative test result would clear our personal comfort hurdle. I understand that others here might have a higher threshhold.


Think I posted a week or so ago about covid hitting reasonably close to home. Wife’s mother’s cousin and her husband got covid. She recovered. He went on a vent and died a couple of days ago.

Not real close. We’ve really only met them once, but still family.


Saban pozzed again? For real this time?

Just a reminder as to what’s a stake. It is a cruel disease and a cruel death.


Jesus christ that is heartbreaking. And to think that is now happening to 2,000 families in the US every single day is just devastating.


Chinese state media: WHO team will be able to investigate Covid origins

China’s official CGTN broadcaster says China has given assurances to the World Health Organization (WHO) that the body will be able to send a team to investigate the origins of the coronavirus “as soon as possible”.

Many experts think Covid-19 likely originated in the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, which has been linked to early confirmed cases. While not a wet market in the strictest sense, reports suggest the market was selling wildlife, including snakes, porcupine and deer.

After an initial cluster of cases connected to the market, the virus began spreading dramatically inside China, before reaching much of the world. The origins of the novel virus are unknown, but it most likely emerged in a bat, then made the leap to humans via another wild animal host.

But Chinese media have increasingly been amplifying suggestions that the virus might have been in other countries before reaching China.

The country has sought to deflect blame for the outbreak from countries like the US, and has often shared a message that the WHO views China as taking an “active response” in handling Covid-19.

A new study by the National Cancer Institute of Milan recently found the novel coronavirus in blood samples collected in October 2019, and previous research led by the University of Barcelona showed the presence of the virus in samples of sewage in the city in March 2019.

A little action for the committee the day before Thanksgiving. We give thanks for the following nominee


In regards to some talk about nursing homes and etc and the source of their outbreak. Some updates on non NY areas. Seems to be the community

Makes sense. I figured you were making a calculated decision.

Another point - the optimal time to get tested again (if you were going to do it) would be 3 days from now (putting you at 8 days from possible exposure) rather than waiting another 10 days. Not trying to nitpick, just trying to clarify if it’s helpful in any way.

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Boris Epshteyn is really just what Jeff Epstein calls himself these days in his bunker, right?


I’m saying it in my best Sean Connery voice (RIP)

North Dakota gonna celebrate Thanksgiving by likely becoming the first state to cross 10% of their population confirmed positive tomorrow.

The West Palm Beach office of the Gunster law firm evidently had a partner show up sick, ended up pozzing like twenty other employees, and he died three days later. I think three other partners are in intensive care. It’s so fucking stupid, there is no reason for low firms to have employees coming into their office.


This is so mind boggling. I’m around unskilled laborers all day who don’t think the virus is real and that’s fine, but these are supposed to be our best and brightest. How could the be so dumb.

Getting yourself killed to own the libs I guess.

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I mean at this point you should realize being in an elite job or being high up doesn’t mean you’re even remotely smart, and being an unskilled laborer doesn’t mean you’re dumb