COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

The guy who’s most at risk of infection/bad case from the boss went to Sturgis (and was also sick inside the office a few weeks ago and didn’t go home and the boss didn’t make him). If he gets it I know other people will suffer/be at risk so I hope he doesn’t, but he won’t have any stones to throw.

Looks a lot like places that are cold.

I’m a few posts behind but this was a reply to that “come on, Ted” Cruz tweet:


COVID runnin wild at work tonight. Got some specific covid only shifts coming up next week that will be awful I’m sure


Seems like someone forgot about the Alamo.

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Seems like the entire Ohio state football team might be pozzed

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Yeah really looks like they’ve tried everything else.

Is there some back story to those pictures? I am not seeing anything in the post you replied to.

There’s an outbreak at Glidden-Ralston, currently 15 students and 17 staff I think. Apart from the lols of cherry picking one school in one county and drawing conclusions about national policy, the pics (Oct 22) demonstrate they weren’t doing anything about COVID mitigation. No masks, no distancing, still playing sport. We’ve tried nothing and it hasn’t worked, oh well better close all schools nationwide.

I’m not actually interested in having the schools argument again but it’s annoying me that Dan is still posting shit from Rebekah Jones because he agrees with her conclusions. A day or two ago bobman and I pretty comprehensively demonstrated that she’s full of shit, Dan peaced out and didn’t argue with any of it and here he is again, back on his bullshit.


So we risk stratify people best we can for their covid risk. High risk is either cohorted or placed in isolation rooms. Rest are in normal rooms, hallways, etc. We’ve had three hallway patients test positive since noon here.

And before Churchill says something, our screening process hasn’t changed. This suggests a change in pretest probability.

Need to shut down. Now.


Terrible story

I’m glad this game back up, cause I’m working on my garage golf simulator build and I’d like it to be as safe as possible for one other guest with the door up. But we will be hitting back to front, screen in the middle. I’m thinking pull air in on one side, push it out on the other, push it across in the back to create a sort of loop to circulate outdoor air in?

Maybe it’s not clear to non-Americans, but when the schools here open, they seem to open all the way including extra curriculars.

Our reality is that if we’re even considering opening schools, bars and restaurants are open. If schools open, marching bands, football games, volleyball, etc is a go.

We needed to shut down three weeks ago. We didn’t then and we aren’t now. Hopefully after Thanksgiving, but I’m not optimistic.

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A true shutdown would require money going to every American, and small businesses. But we don’t have time for that when we have 33 year olds to appoint to lifetime judicial posts right Moscow Mitch? Fuck you Mitch.


Six members of Pakistan’s cricket team have tested positive for Covid-19 while on tour in New Zealand.

Health officials said all 53 members of the visiting squad were tested on arrival in the country.

I might have missed it, but the AZ covid vaccine is horseshit imo. There’s no reason the smaller initial dose is so much more effective. This is a big deal. What they did in that trial is utter horseshit from an evidence based medicine perspective.

What do you mean? What’s horseshit? You think they created a sample that wasn’t representative, got lucky and ran with the data?

Anyone else noticing that more and more of these stories that used to be “My roommate/coworker/relative/etc weren’t feeling well so they got tested but luckily it wasn’t COVID and all is well,” stories are turning into “So and so wasn’t feeling well, got tested, and they’re pozzed and now I have to get tested.”

Feels like the virus is closing in, even in our pretty cautious isolated group here. When society lets it rip, we’re all in danger. The next couple months are going to get really bad.

Not that I’m saying anything we don’t already know.


Big difference if you are cautious but not a shut-in and you cross paths with maybe 1 poz a day vs seeing multiple poz every time you go out.

No data but I’d bet that the vast majority of spread is based on bad decisions-indoor dining, home parties, lax protocols at work, the stuff that happens outside of schools, etc. and that doesn’t include the outright covidiots that don’t have masks and parents throwing giant gatherings for students.

It’s fucking everywhere. And thanks to ACB every church is going to YOLO through the holidays. Mitch is the real evil in this country. Stole two seats plus whatever the fuck shenanigans went on with Kennedy/Keggernaugh.

Ranting. Got up to piss and saw the CNN alert on the religious Covid decision. JFC, fully meant ironically.