COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I had to have emergency dental work done on Sunday and have to go back Monday. Super bummed about it as the place didn’t seem super worried about covid. Not a lot of options on a Sunday and had no choice. Hopefully your dentist is taking it serious.

I have thought about trying this at various times during my relationship.

The timeline was clear

Patient had symptoms and got tested on day 0
Patient babysat on day 1
Pozz test results came in on day 2 and he went to er

Issue 1: he should not have babysat after taking the tests while waiting for results

Issue 2: he wasn’t sure if he should even tell the family he babysat for! The test was taken on d0 and came back pozz so he knows he was pozz when he tested. How is this even a question???

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Yeah I don’t see how there’s any other reading of it than this, nor do I understand how it could have become a 30 post derail.

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Because churchill


Man I’m too lazy to do it myself, but I would really love to see a complete timeline of all the confident pronouncements of Anders Tegnell. It would be something.

Like that is already insane, far from complete, and that piece is from June.

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Watch the video.


Putting this here cause there is lots of covid conspiracy herein.

Now the only mystery is what is this professors UP screen name?

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I read that earlier and was thinking like any time you start a sentence with “Now I have to address the tweets I made about Jews” and it’s not the craziest thing in your little essay, you may have a problem.

I also learned something new. I didn’t know a-bomb deniers were a thing.

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professor of physics and astronomy

thinks the moon landing is fake

we’re gonna have to ask the stupidest shit in job interviews, oh you want to teach astronomy, well does the earth revolve around the sun? Was the moon landing fake? and do you believe insert whatever the latest conspiracy theory is


Man, that guy help it in for four years but just couldn’t keep the trumpy idiocy out.

In one tweet, Brennan called famed astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson a “worthless n****r.” In the same tweet, he also denies the existence of black holes, the moon landing, and atomic bombs.

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You know you’re a straight-up baller when you’re 1) only home for 26 hours, 2) but still need to get a couple workouts in, and 3) still know enough people in your hometown who would love to come out and pozz with you.

Hey you assholes, I wasn’t going to let you know I was in town. I’m just blowing through before I gotta jet back to my baller high stakes lifestyle. But if one of you losers who never left Pittsburgh wants to spot me on the bench, I’ll let you hang out with me for a bit.


This is why you never hire a male babysitter - gotta be something wrong with them to begin with.

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I’m assuming tenure allowed him to get this bad before finally being censured?

Wall Street very bullish on this.

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Dude doesn’t understand tenure very well if he thinks it’s a license to drop n-bombs and scream about the Jews taking over the world, but it seems there are lots of things he doesn’t understand very well.

Pretty sure dude is mentally ill. Tenure + psycho alt-right media exacerbating the problem.


Speaking of old white dipshits who never get told no.