COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

We check employees for fever every single day and send them for a test if they have a fever.

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Get off the internet and go make some damn toilet paper. There’s a shortage!

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Haha I’m off today

“Doc, I’ve tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas!”


Fuck me, had to go to the dentist today and I hate being in this place as long as I need to. On top of that I need a double fucking root canal so its just an additional X amount of time I need to be somewhere that exposes me.

This is the longest I’ve been in any single place outside of my house since mid-March


Airlines are doing temp checks at the gate. I have to do a temp check twice a day at work (essential health care worker), and fuck yes I’m getting sent home if I’m above 37.4C. You shouldn’t be going out with a fever in normal times, during a pandemic you should be fined or jailed.


Just booked a tee time for noon on Thursday, will be the best Thanksgiving in years thanks covid!


me when the vaccine gets rolled out


Louisiana clamping down pretty heavily on bars, rolling back capacity limits for lots of other places too.

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Are you insane? The CDC guidance is to self-isolate for 10 days after the appearance of any COVID symptoms.

I understand Will, we’re covid testing our health workers twice a week because temperaure checks usually indicate symtoms which usually shows after 5+ days of infection but you’re contagious ~2 days after infection

I’d love to know why this postive babysitter is even showing up at ER? I know it maybe baked into US system but we’re advised postive test = stay the **** home and any meds (person’s only reporting fever as symptom remember) will be delivered to your door / fetched by friend without the covid from non-ER location.

Self-isloate for headaches, runny noses and chicken vindaloo, folks

Not seeing where CDC state to self-isolate for 10 days after single symptom like 24hr high temp?

France not doing well.

Italy trending back to where they were when they locked everything down.

He showed up to the ER because he is an idiot. That’s the same reason he babysat with covid symptoms. Again, yes, you should be isolating with any covid symptoms for 10 days unless you get a negative test.


Coming out the other side though, hopefully…

Rule of 6 people max indoors or out cancelled for 4 days here too, following lockdown lite ending 2 Dec (too early IMO)

Will I and my family be visiting my 70+ yr old parents just 1.5 hours drive away - not this year!

Canada not doing so well…

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Who could have ever predicted this?


Nancy needs to pass a new CARES bill and Chuck needs to use whatever parliamentary procedure is required to get a senate vote BEFORE the run-offs.


I won’t pretend to know what you’re trying to compensate for, but this is not going to help.


omg all the time