COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I got shat all over for visiting America for Christmas from Europe.

Still doing it though. Like you said the positives outweigh the negatives so long as you’re handling yourself wisely.


Just found out a friend of mines father just passed away from Covid. Relatively healthy even though he was older (60’s I think). In the hospital for over a week not able to have visitors. Heart breaking


Hopefully that went down as a plus for him.

A while back I was feeling really noticeably dumber. I was doing a worse job with things like reading. It was bad enough that I really thought it might be a significant, real, and permanent decline. Then, after having the opportunity to get enough sleep for a week or so and doing some real reading, which I hadn’t really done for a while, I felt back to normal.

I’m kind of fogged up now though.

Dunno if it’s just a matter of getting enough rest and maybe not too much stress and no real changes or that I’m becoming more susceptible to the fog as I get older.

I’ve been doing a lot of programming lately, learning a lot doing C++, but I think maybe there’s something even better/special about reading. You have probably heard of the study of nuns and alzheimer’s and the women who read a lot kept their mental acuity longer.

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My friend is visiting her family in Central PA for Thanksgiving. She’s horrified by the groups of people, lack of masks, and Trump flags.

I wouldn’t count on a ton of cancellations.

I’m convinced if you get enough sleep and exercise your body and mind every day - you can stay sharp into your 80s. Or at least that’s giving yourself the best chance.

My Dad walks every day, writes poetry and is active with a bunch of communities. He can’t hear great, but his mind is 100% there at 79. My mom at 65 got a little fuzzy, but seems to have arrested the decline at 71 by staying active physically and mentally.

So brutal for someone like that. By far my worst fear with covid. Death is NBD. I’ve lived a good life.

My dad has an uncle still alive at 98 and he’s doing amazing, still active and pretty clear in the head. His brother passed away last year at 101 and he was the same way until the last couple of months. They live up in the mountain back in Montenegro and they said their secret was walking up and down the mountain almost every day of their life and taking naps under trees when the sun would get too hot and it was break time from working out in the field


suburb city outside of tulsa, oklahoma, around 98k pop., voted 4-1 against a resolution that was only “encouraging” mask use.

one of the comments i loved, “the elitist globalist and the WHO are spreading fear porn. I am a daughter of the American Revolution and will not stand for it.”



This is the crux of the problem. There are people capable of intelligently mitigating risks through knowledge and personal responsibility.

I definitely appreciate public health officials knowing that the vast majority cannot.

gl and be safe.

I can almost appreciate this stance more than the pseudo intellectuals trying to do mental backflips why schools are safe when community spread is high.


There’s a difference in the host nations travel arrangements which might just be why this traveller ain’t being shat on

A long term care home a few blocks from me is pozzed. 12 cases so far and rising. :cry:
Really hoping this isn’t going to be as disastrous as I think it will be.


Patient: “So ya I’ve been having bodyaches, fevers, chills for the past 5 days. Got tested two days ago. Came to the ER after I tested positive.”

Me: “So you came in because you were positive for covid?”

Patient: “Yes”

Me: “So did you take anything at home for your symptoms?”

Patient: “No. Also, do I need to let the family of the kid I babysat yesterday know I have COVID?”

Me: “You babysat for another family after having symptoms and deciding you needed to get tested?”

Patient: “Yes”

Me: “That was dumb. We’re going to send you home after giving you some tylenol. You need to isolate. Here’s a note for work”

Go fuck yourself.


It looks like we are going way over 2k deaths today.

How quick were the results of covid test? If same hour then problem, if USA usual 48 hours then patient seems to be asking the right questions IMO

Just in case it isn’t clear for some people. The patient is a fucking idiot for babysitting for another family while having symptoms of covid. Results took 48 hours for her.


The main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are:

a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)

a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)

a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

My god people are so stupid. You just know that guy is going to be fine and completely recover but the innocent people they recklessly, stupidly pozzed are going to be fucked.


Appears to be good for the STONKS though.

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