COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Tell them you’re doing CNN hits all day and then “accidentally” reply all with a screen cap with a row of prurient browser tabs.

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Pretty sure all vaccines will include a microchip, so the airlines will have no choice but to buy chip-readers from Bill Gates.


What’s the context for this Zoom meeting?

I am excited to have one scheduled with extended family for Thanksgiviing.

This is a really interesting pony. You were ponied by the very post you are responding to.

Apparently Aussie will send you home as an overlander if your wheels extend a half inch outside the fenders. If your car has a speck of dirt on it, they might let you in after a month long quarantine.

Aussie border officials don’t seem to fuck around.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see some kind of official standard international document for proof of covid vaccination.

They leave it to you to prove you were vaccinated elsewhere. This comes up all the time. I had to prove I had various vaccines when I moved to the U.S.

You and I seem to have very different views on the subject.

Yeah, I’ve done that too. I’ve never lied, but some of the actual documentation I’ve been given by the vaccination facility looks really fake and it would have been trivially easy to make something similar.

I love my family and have almost no one in my extended family who I can’t stand. My vacations are built around playing poker and visiting family.

First thing I thought of.

We are going to flatten the shit out of the covid curve over Thanksgiving week. Let’s see, it looks like it will plateau at 180k per day!!! Go USA!!! Maybe we can level off at a smooth 300k over Christmas and New Years.

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It has nothing to do with disliking anybody, I just don’t want to do a video conference. Ever. Under any circumstances.


You could pull a Toobin.



Amazing how the mayor never seems to find a way to stand up to racist white people. The Mummers are apparently going to be allowed to defy orders and have a New Year’s Day parade.

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I would like to say gently, and with all the love in my heart “How 'bout you go fuck yourself!”


Both California and Los Angeles County shattered records for single day on Monday, with the state recording more than 20,000 coronavirus cases and Los Angeles County recording more than 6,100. The previous statewide single-day record came just a week earlier, when more than 13,400 cases were reported on Nov. 16, and in L.A. County, on Thursday, when nearly 5,000 cases were recorded.

Looks like I might be pozzed. My mom just got a positive test result yesterday (she took the test same day). Last week on Wednesday she got a bad headache and was feeling like shit for about 2-3 days so we scheduled a test for her yesterday and it’s positive. She feels back to normal now, hasn’t had a temp or any low oxygen readings. A day before she was feeling like shit my dad wasn’t feeling that great, was congested and sniffly for a couple of days. I had a runny nose and some sneezing on Thursday and Friday but that was it symptom wise for me.

My parents work for a management company and take care of about 15 buildings for them. They show apartments and do any repairs and remodeling work that needs to be done. They constantly wear masks and usually the work they do is in empty units so they aren’t sure where they might’ve gotten it but as of now it looks like it might be a fairly mild case.

At the beginning of the pandemic I decided to not stay in my apartment building because my brother in law who I work with lives a few blocks from my parents and we were going to work out of his house. Since I don’t have a car I thought it would be better just to stay home and walk to his house everyday instead of having to catch a ride but looks like I’m gonna get pozzed being at home.

Luckily I haven’t had any contact with anyone besides my parents and being at my brother in laws house, so just him and my sis. My sister scheduled a test when she was feeling a little sick over the weekend so she has that this morning and should get results today or tomorrow (there are a couple of private labs around here that do 24 hour test results). Luckily she works from home and hasn’t exposed anyone else and neither has the brother in law.


similar happening close to Denmark so you never know your luck…

I have mentioned a few time my good friend’s dad who was denied hospital admission two Fridays ago, and finally got a bed a few days later. They ventilated him last night and he is very likely not going to make it. He is a relatively healthy 60s aged person. Reading the Cactus thread this morning makes me want to punch a wall.