COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

btw update on pizza bar guy who lied to contact tracers here in SA, sparking the three-day hard lockdown:

Investigations into South Australia’s recent coronavirus outbreak have centred on a worker at a suburban pizza bar.

But the story has changed and evolved several times, as more information has come to light and previous claims have been called into question.

The matter is now being investigated by a 36-person group formed by SA Police — Taskforce Protect which includes members of the state’s Serious Crime Taskforce and Major Crime, assisted by the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Don’t piss the government off, lol. Originally they said he couldn’t be charged with any crimes, but they’re probably scouring 19th-century law textbooks to figure out something to charge him with.

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Well my nephew (who is 1 year old) is likely pozzed. Kid at his daycare was pozzed, my sister and BIL have to, you know, work. They’re all fine right now but I’m annoyed


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  1. Don’t wear pants
  2. Stand-up, scream oh shit, slam laptop shut so any viewing is fleeting.



Australia’s flag carrier Qantas announced today that proof of COVID vaccination will be required to fly internationally on the airline (once vaccines are available obviously).


Suzzer w/o a beard. Horrifying.

I just saw Fauci on the NewsHour and he really wants people not to travel this week.

If conservative media and QAnon types aren’t calling him “The Fauch Who Tried to Steal Thanksgiving” they need to step up their game.

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I’ve always wondered how this is supposed to work. If you just need a piece of paper that says that you got a vaccine, anyone can make one of those. What is the airline going to do? It’s not like the airline will be able to call and verify them.

Yeah - this goes for quite a bit of stuff you can circumvent if you’re determined to commit fraud. I don’t need a college degree or a police check certificate to apply for a job, I can just print my own.

Side note, nobody when I have applied for any job, including ones I got, has ever asked to see proof I have a college degree. I could have just not got one and said I did in my resume. Didn’t learn much of any use anyway.

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A classmate of mine had his student loans randomly audited and had to prove that he graduated college and high school, the latter ended up being ridiculously difficult for him.

A lot of people forge their Yellow Fever vaccination docs to travel to South America apparently - mainly because it’s impossible to find (or was). I would assume Aussie is more on top of that stuff.

Pretend to have the computer knowledge of a Boomer? Pretend you can’t hear or see and talk really loudly and keep waving your hands a lot. Then say “This fucking thing,” a few times and slam the lid of your laptop down.

That should just about do it.


@ChrisV you are fake news.

I’ll be pretty surprised if the govt goes so far as to create a database of COVID vaccine recipients that third parties can check, but maybe they can create difficult to forge certificates.

I’m not sure what a police check certificate is, but even printing a college degree is way too much effort. Just list it on your CV and that’s generally sufficient – no one ever asks to see your actual diploma. Of course if you do anything that requires professional licensing, someone is definitely going to check that shit out. And I’ve heard of plenty of jobs that do check credentials even if licensing is not an issue. It’s not that rare.

That may work to prevent many Aussies from faking it, but if someone can plausibly claim to have received a vaccine outside of Australia, then I don’t know what they would do in that situation.

Simpson’s did it but this is directly on point.


One trick I’ve learned about faking technical difficulties of this kind is to make sure the call gets dropped while you are in the middle of talking, preferably midsentence. It tends to be more believable that way. On phone calls, people almost never cut themselves off midsentence, so the automatic assumption is technical difficulties. I think zoom/facetime/etc. is more or less the same in this regard.


That’s the stupidest idea I