COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I knew it was wrong when I was doing it. All I added was fever, I didn’t say I had trouble breathing or anything.

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This is a fantastic bit

You left out some folks will test positive, feel ok, and decide it’s safe to go anyway.

My friend’s dad hasn’t gotten tested or anything but he’s going to a big Thanksgiving and says he’s not worried because, “I don’t feel like I would be a super spreader.”

Oh, well, as long as you FEEL that way, go forth and mingle!

Hey man, those bartenders aren’t going to just pozz themselves! Gotta do your part to add them to the herd!

Dems should call for an emergency census and reapportionment after COVID since conservatives seem so hell-bent on removing themselves from the population.

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Works for me.

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I think the original is actually a propos

I’m picturing something like this…

It turns out I have a few appropriate lolcats in my files.


Minutes later…



North Dakota is going to give us an accurate IFR before this is over - going for herd immunity with ZERO behavior changes.

Thank you for your service as the control group.


I thought Dr. Giant Bony Hands was going to do a prostate check on me today. Either he forgot or he decided against it. I didn’t remind him.

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We’ll have three weeks there after quarantine. So not as long as I would have liked, but that’s all my wife could swing with work. I’m very happy with that though. Think it’ll make the rest of the wait for the vaccine a breeze.

I just got invited to a Thanksgiving Zoom meeting. I’d almost rather do dinner in person with known superspreaders. How do I get out of this?




Phantom internet outage? Suddenly broken router?


“I’ll give you a call Thursday morning.”

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July 31:

US President Donald Trump has named Australia among a list of countries that is now suffering a “second wave” after doing initially well at handling the pandemic.

The President went on: “The virus was said to be under control but new cases have risen very significantly once again. So when you think someone is doing well, sometimes you have to hold your decision on that.

“Since the beginning of June, daily new cases have increased by a factor of nearly 30 times in Australia”.


Whatever the Zoom equivalent of Homer’s jury glasses is. Just as long as you don’t have an Apu in the house.