COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

No surprise there. Hopefully he didn’t share it with any of your other friends.

The only reason I don’t draw a straight line between that and him getting infected is he works a more service industry-ish job than most of my friends, so it’s legitimately harder for him to isolate like most of us have.

But it’s definitely a factor.

That mother fucker caught a 4 outer on me for most of my stack when we were the chip leaders at a final table on Stars back in the day and I’ve hated him ever since.


More on the CR

New MoH is recommending that school directors close their schools…for Friday. Basically, extend the upcoming long weekend (Monday is Czech Statehood Day) another day.

I don’t know how one day helps anything. Sure, I like a long weekend as much as the next person but all kids will do is go to large crowds elsewhere in their neighborhood. One day by itself isn’t going to slow down the spread of covid. To me you either close the schools or don’t.

Another infuriating thing is that it shifts responsibility from the MoH to school directors. Basically the manual they got a few days before the school year was all about recommendations. So if anything happens, the politicians can shift blame onto the school directors. After all, the directors made the decisions.

The new MoH has the experience to know what’s up. But in the end, he’s still a politician.

If there’s one good thing to be said about my poker “career”, its that absolutely no one is harbouring any resentment toward me for having taken their money. If anyone remembers me at all, they probably remember me as a donator.


I’ve never met him, but guys who play in ladies events start off with a pretty big strike in my book.


Just got my Flu shot so I’m posting as a reminder for all of you to please do the same and encourage your friends and family to as well. People who can’t get the flu shot are relying on us to keep them out of the hospital.

Did you get your Flus shot yet?

  • I Already Got Mine!
  • Not yet, but I plan to soon.
  • I can’t due to allergy/medical issue
  • I wont because I’m selfish and idiotic

0 voters


20,000 flags were laid out in front of the Washington monument this morning. One for every 10 Covid deaths in the US


That’s valid, I’d say you fall under the “I plan to” option. Some places around me are doing outdoor Flu shot days for people who prefer not to be indoors anywhere, but sounds like your isolation plan is as good.

“And to those who say we don’t need this stuff, and we should leave people to take their own risks, I say these risks are not our own,” he said.

"The tragic reality of having Covid is that your mild cough can be someone else’s death knell.

“And as for the suggestion that we should simply lock up the elderly and the vulnerable - with all the suffering that would entail - I must tell you that this is just not realistic, because if you let the virus rip through the rest of the population it would inevitably find its way through to the elderly as well, and in much greater numbers.”

Mr Johnson said he was “deeply, spiritually reluctant” to infringe on anyone’s freedom, but added: “unless we take action the risk is that we will have to go for tougher measures later”.

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feels like it’s never going to end

hospitalized three people yesterday


When boris fucking johnson is a voice of reason you know the situation is fucked. Imagine hearing those words come out of our president’s mouth.


Full 6min speech if interested…

UK still not doing enough IMO but paving the way for tougher restrictions in 30 days time, when we’re all indoors!

Well yeah shit like this is supposed to be a slam dunk for politicians.

Spread message of unity and togetherness and BAM! ratings go up!

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Jfc the Trumpster judge denied a stay while Pennsylvania appeals his decision that state crowd size limits are illegal.

I assume they go to the next level up.

It’s not really the voice of reason - the announcement today makes very little difference to the status quo that’s already seeing a doubling of infections every 7 days.

He’s scared of losing the support of his own MPs if he does what he should and puts the country into another lockdown, hence these half measures.

On a personal level, we’re already keeping an eye on remote Airbnb places for 3 or 6 months in case we need to gtfo of London.

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a coworker of mine that lives/works in MS is sick and lost her sense of taste/smell so I’m sure its covid, i came in on the end of the convo but it seems shes on the way to get checked now.

Had a call with a client today to give him an update on the status of a case. Asked him how he was doing and he tells me that his whole family got COVID. Evidently they are all in the mend, no hospitalizations. Then he tells me his wife had a MERSA infection when she contracted COVID! He says she is recovering ok, on the upswing. But, god damn, that is a tough woman.

oh also the hurricane fucked up my parents beach house and they were supposed to be going there for the big family beach trip this week, that my wife and our kids were skipping for the first time in a decade.

Not sure if they are still going, was hoping it would be enough for them not to. I know my parents went down to check out the damage but hopefully not everyone is going considering both my sisters kids are going to school and they will interact with my parents alot.

A friend’s mom also contracted it while in the hospital fighting a severe MRSA infection. Looked like a death sentence but somehow never developed symptoms. Go figure.

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