COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

And “Ween.”

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I saw it under the hashtag Fartlander and felt sad when it wasn’t a joke about The Boys

The last names give it away

Congratulations to the Fartlander-Weens


This is gone now, but I’m curious what it was a s a survivor fan

My 22 avatar is Mark the chicken.

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I’ve lost all ability to tell when something is real vs satire with regards to current events. Nothing is off the table at this point and the true ones are more outrageous than the fake ones.


Seems telling that he’s saying it affects no one to a crowd of people behind him who are mostly wearing masks, no? Like they’re here for the show, but no one is buying this to take home

For every Fartlander and Magaritaville there is:

  • Zombie Cain tweets after he died from covid likely contracted from Trump’s rally

  • Trumpets sinking each others boats on lakes, in multiple separate instances days apart

Change the names to normal names and we wouldn’t know. I guarantee there are actual real invites out there that are 90% identical to that one.

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That’s three more students at the school with covid. That means there are more classes quarantined.

There have to be a bunch of asymptomatic students and teachers by now.

New Minister of Health is talking about closing schools in the coming days. CR has been the second worst wrt to covid cases per 100,000 over the last 2 weeks. I think only Spain is worse.

I’ve largely given up on devoting mental energy to COVID (how is it possible this story would become boring?!) but I’ve noticed in the last few days we’ve been creeping up in average cases.

Broke 44,000 7DMA yesterday for the first time in a month. Our Labor Day testing dip is behind us, and we’re clearly backsliding now.

Also, my friend is awaiting a test result, but lost taste and smell. So soon I might be in regular contact with someone who actually has the thing.


You haven’t been in contact since they got tested, have you? If so it’s probably time to isolate until they get their result. Hopefully it’s a false alarm.

We knew of course. The damage both now and in the future is just massive. Fuck Trump:


What original information? Don’t wear masks?

I kid?

I haven’t, but the Covid friend played golf with my best friend Friday, my best friend went hiking with other friends Saturday, etc.

It’s extremely unlikely it spread beyond my best friend, who has been isolating from his wife and kid (upending everyone’s lives).

Oh yeah, and since I made the post an hour ago, my friend got his positive test back. He’s also the most Covid denialist person I know (not strict denialist, but often downplaying it).


Go figure that’d be the first person you know to get it. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Deeb is a true scumbag. Met him once and confirmed his Twitter persona. He is awful.