“Complications” = he really died from stroke. Suck it libtards.
The Republican screeching in california’s orange county continues, despite us getting clearance to reopen indoor dining and a lot of other businesses again. This hilarious letter was sent to the president by Don Wagner, on the OC board of supervisors ( a mega deplorable)
“please mr. President, send funds directly into county coffers so they can line my pockets instead of the governor’s”
Watch the movie Gummo to learn more about the state of Ohio. Same guy directed or wrote the movie “Kids”.
Tennessean trumpfan Tony Tenpenny´s terrestrial time terminated to Make Alliterations Great Again!
Yeah, I’m honestly not sure what their plan is or what they really think they’ve been trying to do. I suspect it’s just incompetent wishful thinking and the only thing they have firmly in mind is that they don’t want to spend the money repeating lockdown.
Tony Tenpenny? Jfc these covidiots, there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between them.
I was starting get worried about this coronavirus thing, but then I read this:
Social justice metrics?
Another lockdown here would be very unpopular.
Hope to start seeing a therapist ASAP so I can have one during lockdown. The first one really fucked with me mentally.
Where ya been?
You seem to be asking a question that is already conveniently answered by his username.
There are degens, and then there is Deeb…
Just came to post that, he just busted the main event too
The CDC and hidden RedState clod in NAID(?) have got be on complete tilt.
Lol, so obviously fake, right.
Imagine going to a dedicated cough room during a pandemic.
Probably fake but I can’t tell anymore.
I just cant believe fartlander is a real name