COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

What’s the general feeling there? Cases have really spiked. Schools still open?

She could make a fortune selling vials of blood.

Yeah, they told us both to not change any behaviors and still take all precautions as if we weren’t vaccinated.

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About a week straight of climbing cases, right on schedule with OFS


Thanks for sharing this. I need this kind of reminder because I tend toward apathy on this kind of stuff.

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There was some kind of Christian rock concert last night in West Palm, no masks, definitely a super spreader event.

Self nominated. Nice.

And a new Winnar


Hey, at least he lived his last few months with his face exposed like a real American rather than wearing a socialist face mask for 1-2 years before living another 30 years.


We did also have Google testing briefly, too. There’s a reason why you didn’t hear about it.

I think in general people here (France) are pretty complacent about it, the rise in cases isn’t really leading the news and the politicians are switching to a “it’s your fault, there’s not a lot we can do” message. There are stories about problems with the testing but no real urgency about it all, and no real communication about what you should do, when etc.

My wife had a cold last week which we were fairly certain was just that (and it was), but getting tested was a real pain taking days to sort out and then hours in a queue, and most people seemed to think it a bit weird that we all stayed isolated in the meantime.

We’re constantly told that a second national lockdown is out of the question and apart from enforced mask wearing, which is followed pretty well, then life is pretty much completely normal here. Everything is open apart from really big gatherings like concerts, festivals etc.

I expect that hospitalisations and deaths will start rising in the next week or two and then it might hit home a bit more.

(Edit - There was a spike in deaths on Saturday, but that was statistical noise as it was a bunch of unreported historical cases being added.)

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That whole sequence was absurd. Trump said Google would offer ubiquitous testing, they said we have no idea what Trump is talking about, Trump raised the back of his hand and woops? Sorry, sorry, obviously Google is the leader in testing for Trump…by not doing any testing! I love when a plan comes together.

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Sounds identical to the Czech Republic.

My suspicion is that the government here will do everything just short of a lockdown and just say that we’re on our own when that fails.

As for covid deaths in the Czech Republic

August - 45 deaths
September 1st-21st - 95 deaths

So CDC finally came to the airborne spread party 5 months late and…it was taken down for supposedly being posted in error.

Maybe next month?



To be fair, he was right. It wasn’t his new normal. His new normal is a dark box under 6 feet of dirt. Death comes at ya fast, huh Troy?


I had to go into Philly today. Driving through center city mask compliance among people out on the street was ~90%. Of those unmasked, more than half were smoking so they clearly don’t make good decisions to begin with. I can’t imagine being in a city with inverse compliance numbers. I was uneasy as it was.

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