COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Will any of these big companies actually take that deal though? Won’t they want to finish their trials?

Seems like it’d be a huge risk, especially if you’re hoping for global market share instead of US marketshare.

Reading the thread and seeing Pfizer is the company they think that will. Seems like a dumb move if you might be first anyways.

That’s relying on the average American being waaaaay more competent at evaluating risk/reward when it comes to percentages than they actually are. Guaranteed that a majority of people would think 1/8000 is worse than the 1/1655 already dead Americans from covid.

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Young healthy althletic people can die of Covid. :thinking:

Tyler Amburgey felt ill just three days before his death on August 29.


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About a month ago I mentioned my wife and I were considering participating in the Pfizer vaccine trial. We went ahead with it, so here’s a brief report.

The vaccine is given in two doses, 3 weeks apart. We had our second dose last week and think my wife got the placebo and I got the real deal. This is because she had absolutely no reaction and I was hit kinda hard for 2-3 days after each dose. I had a very sore arm, aches, and chills. Technically I didn’t have a fever because my temp didn’t go above 100.4. But my normal temp is like 96.5, so it going up to like 98.5 was very noticeable. That said, I feel fine now and hopefully the vaccine is effective. It was weird feeling crappy from a “fever” with no other symptoms whatsoever.

Overall, knowing what I know about the disease I think the moderate side effects I experienced are worth it if the vaccine works, but I’m so not so sure the general population will agree. I worry that a number of people won’t show for the second dose, though this probably would be a common occurrence even without side effects. I suppose this vaccine may be a good first effort, but hopefully sooner rather than later they can create one with fewer side effects, in a single dose, that doesn’t need to be stored at ultra-low temperatures.

Our next study activity is a blood draw a month after the second dose. I’d be happy to answer any questions about our experiences.


Do you feel the microchip they implanted in you?


It’s not unusual for these type of reactions- I was similar or worse for both of the shingles vaccine last year.

But yeah I can poor follow through on the second shot if you lose a day of work/feeling crappy.

Likely pissing off the immune system is a good thing but people. Lol.

Not going to link the articles because it’s redonkulous that the CDC is just now getting around to “airborne” and “ventilation” over surface contact.

F. We were on this by April at the latest.

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Let me tell you your normal temp isn’t 96.5, you’re just not measuring it accurately.

If you’re interested, lmk if you want to know the most accurate way you could reasonably do it

(it’s up the butt)

But seriously thanks for taking part.

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It’s been nearly 8 months since the first US case was identified. At this point, shouldn’t I be able to walk into any pharmacy and get a free test done and get the results back in 24 hours (or 24 minutes)?

It’s almost as if some maniac in charge doesn’t want widespread testing because they think it leads to more cases.


The biggest difference between a rectal thermometer and an oral thermometer is the taste.


Remember the CEO parade when Trump promised Google/CVS administered drive thru testing?


We have CVS drive-thru testing and have for months.

But that’s still not enough nor are results coming back fast enough.

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I wanted to get a test at CVS but their screening questionnaire said I wasn’t eligible. Same with the state testing sites, they are not testing anyone without symptoms right now.

WTF what kind of shithole country do I live in?


One where our leader cares more about confirmed cases, than actual cases

Fwiw this is the situation here in France as well. Need symptoms and a prescription for the joy of standing in a queue for hours to be tested (at least here in Paris). Then you might wait 10 days for a result. It’s also total incompetence, but there’s a lot of that about.

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That was like 2 years ago right?

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Wow. Not gonna complain about testing in the CR now.

For testing here, you can get a test for being asymptomatic if:

  1. You receive a phone call/SMS from a hygiene center notifying you that you have come into contact with somebody diagnosed with covid. Normally, that comes a few days after the person is confirmed positive according to people I know who have had it


  1. You pay for it yourself. There are private labs that accept paying clients but they are (by Czech standards) fairly expensive. More symptomatic people have been paying for their tests because of how long the waits for the free tests are and how long it takes to get the results.

But yeah free tests here do require a reference from your GP. There’s no walk-in procedure for that.

The wait time early on was 24-48 hours (possibly less if you paid for a test at a private lab). Now that they’re doing more tests, I’ve had people say that it can take up to a week to get results. They don’t send you antivirals until you have a positive test. So you can have covid for more than a week before receiving adequate treatment.

Also, the Czech Minister of Health finally resigned. Guy has been a nightmare for the last few months with this. He is now being replaced by an actual doctor, an epdemiologist no less!

Guess Adam Vojtech can try to become a pop idol again.

Funny family story. When my brother R (#3 I’m #4) was about 10 my Mom used a rectal thermometer on him and it broke. She had to take him to the Dr to make sure no mercury went inside of him. I have no idea exactly what that entailed.

When our older brothers came home from school Mom threatened them within an inch of their live to not make fun of him.

So we are at the dinner table, getting ready to eat and our wise-ass brother (#2) says straight-faced “So R, how was your day?” Our poor Dad. He about blew a blood vessel trying to stifle a laugh.


It’s called lying <cough, cough>.