COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

This is where we’ve been heading for a while due to automation. There will be fewer and fewer haves with more and more money, and until our society collapses and we rebuild it with UBI the service industries will expand in perverse ways.

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It’s a site where you can just hire anyone to do just about anything for an agreed upon hourly rate.

I’ve used taskrabbit for handyman stuff around the house because I suck at it and it takes me a long time compared to someone competent. Never used it for waiting in line, though.

I mean, like, in theory is it wrong to pay someone to wait in line for you? No not really, but it sure as fuck isn’t a sign of a well-functioning society or economy.

The moral injustice is that the pay probably sucks, and the gig economy doesn’t provide benefits. If we had single payer and increased minimum wage, it would be morally okay… But still not a sign of a well-functioning society or economy.

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You’re not going to be able to convince me that paying someone 18 bucks an hour to wait in line is exploitive whatsoever.

I’d be surprised if $18/hr is the going rate (he hadn’t sorted by cheapest yet), but even if it is, that’s with higher effective taxes as an independent contractor and no health insurance.

And like I said, it’s not just the moral issue of the benefits and wages, it’s just not a sign of a functional society/economy.


A lot of people will relish the prospect of perverse services.

you can see what he paid in the video. Paying people to wait in line has been going on a long time, even in other countries. You’re not going to be able to convince me that’s some worrying sign either.

Not sure about IC v employment either. I’d get taxed a lot less if I was an IC, but I don’t know enough about taxes to know if that applies generally.

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Lines for anything over an hr is stupid. There’s technology available to sign in and you get a text message when you get close to the front of the line. They had it available when I was in college 5 years ago. You sign in and leave. They text you when there’s less than 5-10 minutes so you can go back.


It’s going to be worse than that, lots of the rich will seek praise for “giving back” by paying someone $10/hour to do chores they don’t want to do.

Remember this?^tfw


That’s been happening for centuries. Most rich people love to boast of their benevolence by making public displays of “generosity”. Employing people at $10/hr is just a scaled down version of having chaiwalas and punkwallahs.

Without us what would they do, darling? There simply wouldn’t be any work for them and they’d starve to death!

Of course they will, they never stopped doing this. From noblesse oblige to job creators were oh so lucky to have them.

This makes no sense to me. I have no clue what she’s trying to say. Where does the article claim that “USA k12 cases were high but we can’t say where they’re from”? None of the data in the linked article relates to the United States. “Schools often have higher case rates than their communities” is vague and meaningless. Where? When? How much higher?

I see she’s running a site where she’s counting cases in schools and has 200K cases. There were 200K cases reported in the US just TODAY. Isn’t 200K actually a low number?

Her point is that many schools don’t report or intentionally underreport. If you scan through the past I think there are blog type posts that go into more detail.

Bottom line, schools are Florida and in particularly in Florida, school reporting is intentionally fraudulent.

If you read between the lines in the nature article, by the time you get to be a teenager the transmission is similar to adults and while kids are less half of a shit ton is still a lot of fucking transmission.

If you aren’t aware, this is the person that DeSantis fired for refusing to fudge Florida’s numbers.

Even if all of that is true, which I assume it is, it doesn’t make the Nature article misinformation. Like all I see is an article reporting data from around the world, this woman just going “fake news” without refuting a single word of it, and you going “yeah good points being made here” just because it accords with your beliefs.

Half of a lot of transmission can be a lot less. For example half of R=2 transmission is no longer exponential growth or even growth at all, it just means numbers stay at the same level. Not suggesting those are the actual numbers, but just for example.

I can assure you I had nothing to do with any of it

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It’s the non science media and economists using such articles as weapons. Chris Hayes in particular is spreading the schools are 100% safe story. Nate has not been much better.

Lies, damn lies, and statistics.

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You kind of proved the point. Spread events are >>>>>2. Everyone staying home is 0.

Plenty of room for 6 and 3.

What’s the average speed on your car computer if you idle while your partner runs into the store? That number has nothing to do with you actual average speed while driving.
