COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Not sure but she’ll be there for 12 days before me. So my main concern is if she’s hitting the bars.


That would be my main concern too.

Crap. What if the virus mutates to cause zombies in Central America and you spend the whole time together dodging them only to find that she is infected but asymptomatic?

Currently sitting in a hospital waiting on baby Reed #2. Really wanting to get out of here asap, but it sounds like it’s going to be a long haul.

I’ve already heard them on the radios stealing OB techs to staff the ER.

And have already been horrified at our nurse sticking her fingers under her mask and then handling the iPad that might wife also had to handle to sign papers.


hmm, that ain’t gonna happen lol

Also nurse’s son currently has covid. And she hosts her kids for Sunday dinners regularly. Perfect.



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Wow. I’d be asking for a diffeeent nurse. Why would she volunteer this info ?

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So yesterday I reported on local girls school 10th grade party fiasco. Now apparently one of the juniors went to her brother’s sports team end of your parties and other girls staked it out and took pictures to turn her in.

And the Dad of the 10th grade girl that host the party inserted himself in a group chat and defended his daughter.

Sounds like a freakin soap opera.

So yeah maybe the problem with schools isn’t the school so much as the general idiocy of the kids AND parents.

Nurse: “So what are your Thanksgiving plans?”

Us: “Ugh nothing, there’s a pandemic.”

Nurse: “Yea I think I’m just going to drop off food on the porch or something for my kids. My son just found out he has covid…We usually do Sunday dinners together but not this Sunday.”


by meeting up with an irish medic in costa rica he can get the the cologne research card, followed by a military flight to texas, which is only two states away from the cdc research center in atlanta to cure the zombie mutation.

eta: /pandemic the game joke


I have found, by far, the most difficult part of parenting to be dealing with other parents.


A+. The kids are usually OK.

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You’re probably both mixing with too many middle class types who are the worst for boastful one-upmanship and mindless competitiveness, while their kids have yet to adopt their shitty attitudes.

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Does the positivity rate support this?

Huh. I did not fully comprehend. Is this a line waiting service or someone that get a negative result?

Also related. If all these extra tests are to say you are neg so you can go ahead and have a thanksgiving gathering?


Cases are up 11% but tests only 7% in the last week. So yes positivity is going up. National is about 9%.