COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

The will be contagious on their flights home Sunday and if not then certainly when they get back home the next week.

On the good news front, it appears that both 7DMA cases and %positive rates have plateaued, right?

At least for a day or so.

obviously the temple should be shut down and the organizers arrested, but nothing will happen


What. The. Fuck.


dude they are huge Trump supporters

look at all those flags

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As a very secular Jew I think I have standing to absolve anyone attacking that group from accusations of anti-semitism. All types of religious extremism are bonkers and dangerous. Have at it.


We could also be hitting the testing limits in several states. I wouldn’t consider the shape a plateau yet either.

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Another round of distressing case numbers has Los Angeles teetering on the brink of further restrictions to slow the spread of the coronavirus — including the likely shutdown of outdoor restaurant dining.

County data released Saturday evening revealed 4,522 new cases; the average daily count over the last four days is 4,442. If the average remains higher than 4,000 on Sunday — which seems all but certain — the outdoor dining restriction is set to be reinstated for the first time since May.

And Los Angeles public health officials have set another threshold if the five-day average reaches 4,500: It will trigger a new stay-at-home order that would generally allow only essential workers and people securing essential services to leave their homes.

Hospitalizations for COVID-19 also continued to climb Saturday, with 1,391 people admitted at facilities around the county, nearly double the average daily number in early October. About a quarter of those COVID-19 patients are in intensive care units.

Does anybody know if there’s any evidence that outdoor dining is a major cause of spread? It would surprise me. This seems like mashing buttons. If public health officials knew what activities were responsible for the spike, they’d restrict those. But it doesn’t seem like anybody knows. My suspicious remains that it’s personal group interactions, and our society is just never going to officially restrict those is anything approaching a meaningful way.

Even if we plateau here without in increase in poz rate we are fucked. Honestly if we got back to May numbers we would be hurting for a couple months.

I know 250,000 Americans died but the rea travesty of covid was concerts for me

Bought a single day ticket to bonnaroo on Friday

Tool. The 1975. Young the giant. Glass animals. And many more

Mopop my local festival. The 1975 was headlining. We go every year and pre bought tickets. Was so pumped when the line up dropped

Wonderbus festival in Columbus was gonna be great

Was going to see Green Day for the first time with FOB and weezer

Plus about 15 more really great shows I was pumped to see. Anything from the aces to awolnation to group love.

Haven’t seen a show since March after seeing 30+ shows a year for 10 years


We definitely are hitting testing limits in some states (South Dakota for instance) but in aggregate the % positive rate should reflect this.

And yes, we are definitely in a terrible position. But it is showing early signs of stabilizing, which is much more positive than if it were still accelerating.

Honestly, I’m less concerned about the trip over than I am keeping myself protected when I get to the states. Seems that the danger during the trip is waiting at the airport. Unfortunately, direct flights to the US remain canceled. So I will have to transfer at some point. Gotta find a short one to do.

Gonna hear from the family before heading back. Trying to work out logistics on keeping people safe.

Of course the heavy travel and gatherings that started this weekend…

Just in time!


I’ve flown through several airports during all this. It’s generally NBD. There is such a diminished number of passengers it’s easy to find empty gates to wait at.

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missing Bonnaroo has been hard this year, we go every year.

This Ryan guy is really gumming up my twitter feed. My wife’s MLS is from SU. Spent some quality time up there 06-07.

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My Dad has tickets for Dec 28 Michigan to Arizona. They are going to move them up to mid December. If they can fade the travel it will be safer for them out there without family temptation and the ability to be outside.

I look fine with the beard. I look absolutely horrible without it. I have no chin, jowls (now), and my mouth is too small for the rest of my gigantic head.

Thankfully men’s beards never seem to fall out.

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