COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I mean, when in doubt just go get tested.

I’m old enough to remember when people were tut-tutting the Chinese for traveling home for the lunar new year during the very early stage of this pandemic. Americans jumping on a plane and traveling hither and yon after we now know so much about this virus is just painfully stupid.


Ultimately, among Americans and probably just residents of western democracies, it has to be sub 10% of people that are willing to make any significant sacrifice for covid. That’s freedom for you.

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Only good news is those getting pozzed wed to Sunday won’t really be contagious other than some Wednesday bar hoppers on Sunday maybe

So a high% will get pozzed, but only one generation.

If this were a week-long thing then we would get 2 generations. That’ll happen some from people traveling this weekend for a week-along visit but most will be concentrated in a 2-4 day period

Merry Christmas!


On the other hand, quite a few who get pozzed Wed/Thurs will be contagious when flying home Sunday.

Suzzer. Im drawing this conclusion from a few posts. Not just this one. You are way overthinking your looks. Nobody cares. No one pays attention to the things that bother you. You exercise on the reg, have a good job, and some (tbc) social skills. Youre right in the fat part of the bell curve and its absolutely fine.

Im speaking as someone who massively overthinks this as well.


Also. Go to costa rica.

And cologne is great.

As North/South America shows Europe/ Asia is not the only political divide and there are multiple definitions of continent.

Fun fact: Cyprus, while being part of the European Union, is considered to be part of the region of Asia by the UN. Geographically it is on the boundary of the Anatolian (former part of the Eurasian plate) and the African plate.

Well maybe more a dry than a fun fact.


I don’t know about that, but the greatest “rock” band in history were from there so it has something going for it.

Love, or the potential of love, is stupid too but necessary.


This sounds riskier than I thought. Is she taking the same precautions on her flight?

This is just a quick search, but looking at some links there seems to be at most a small suggestion that flying is maybe slightly risky. Flight attendants don’t seem to be contracting it more than others and neither do air travellors. Precautions that airlines and airports are making everyone take and good circulation and filtration on the planes seems to be pretty effective.

The issue of containing people to their regions and all the other contact travellors inevitably make are separate issues.

Pretty sure fucking is covid-risky though. Doggy-style with masks outside in a good breeze is probably not too bad.



With any luck that will appeal to her sense of adventure.


It puts their high positivity numbers in a better light though! No number of tests gets you a low positivity rate if everyone has COVID.

Florida is dumb ‘Nam of the covid battlefront. My roommate, who just found out she wasn’t pozzed from her bachelorette excursion to Vegas, went there yesterday with her girlfriend. Fuckin’ Charlie is everywhere.

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imo Panama is the more interesting continental question than Costa Rica.

Geographically it also seems part of Central/North America, but it used to be part of Colombia (always dangling off as a weird independent zone) and the Viceroy of New Granada before that, which was clearly South American.

Then again I think the idea of continents is dumb and problematic on several levels. Just like the notion that east and west are cardinal directions :roll_eyes:



Costa Rica is a Mexican country I think.

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And fun!

Simple strategy

  1. I love you
  2. I’m on your side
  3. Tell me what you need. Space, hug, distraction, whatever.

She’s a freakin hero but you know that.